2024-04-16 21:39:03
1 votes, rating 6
"Good evening, sports fans! Pull up your favourite La-Z Squig reclining armchair, crack open an ice-cold Bloodweiser and get ready for action, because it's time once again for Blood Bowl Round-up! As always, I'm your host Jim Johnson..."
"...and I'm Bob Bifford."
"Say, Bob- am I remembering wrongly or are you a fan of kills in Blood Bowl games?"
"You're more right than something a Nehekharan uses to animate the dead."
"Well you're in for a treat with the newest match on Blood Bowl Game Pass- the Sludge River Shamblers VS Athens Turns Green."
"Why? Did the Orcs slaughter those useless Nurgle-worshipping scumbags?"
"Yes and no, Bob- the Orcs won by a score of two touchdowns to nil, but the Shamblers managed an astounding three kills in their defeat!"
"Three? Is that a record?"
"I don't know, but the Guild of Statisticians tell me they'll have an answer for that question very shortly!"
"Oh, hooray- I love me a good stat."
"Whilst I figure out if my co-host is being sarcastic we'll take a short break, but don't touch that dial folks- we have Atherns Turns Green against the Bradford Bulls after this short commercial break!"
"The Orcs we just reported on, Bob."
"Really? I forget things so easily these days- maybe I gave out one too many hits to the head whilst I was playing..."