Posted by Prez on 2017-07-18 11:34:09
Fouling is a solid tactic......bloody annoying when it doesn't work and you get Ted ejected on the snakes ;)
Posted by mister__joshua on 2017-07-18 11:51:26
REAL Bloodbowl coaches have a fouls-per-game stat above 2 :P
Posted by Medon on 2017-07-18 13:31:25
DP-s should foul on average 3x per match.
Posted by finsterface on 2017-07-18 13:49:50
Aiming at about 3 foul / match on avg. with a DP seems like a pretty balanced way of approaching this tactic. :-)
Was stating avg. 1 foul / game for next 200 matches as a goal as it'll take a while to even get a DP on every team with cheap players and then I have some teams (Lizzies, Dwarf, maybe even Chaos), where players seem too valuable to actually use them for fouling and I'll probably be averaging less than 1 foul / match...
Posted by ArrestedDevelopment on 2017-07-18 14:29:39
Yeah stick the booooot in!
Chaos can benefit from a DP, but Dwarf is questionable (actually somewhat ironically, usually if you take DP on Dwarves it's the the second runner who does so, so you're old self wasn't wrong). Lizzies is a fun one - a skink is a pretty expensive boot with dp, but can get pretty much anywhere.
Posted by garyt1 on 2017-07-19 00:08:49
Him retiring was worth it for you, but perhaps not for him :D
Yeah the odd boot is good. It is still generally a risky tactic but can certainly make people nervous when you have some cheapish foulers about. I find when I am fouled my players get cas'd surprisingly often. Boot!
Posted by finsterface on 2017-07-19 10:20:57
It wasn't his (in my eyes: unnecessary) retirement (no perms besides a dead 0-spp-skink), that made it worth it for me - rather the win I probably wouldn't have been able to pull off, otherwise :D
Posted by Craftnburn on 2017-07-19 14:40:49
Retirements such as that are what's WRONG with Fumbbl.
Posted by ArrestedDevelopment on 2017-07-19 18:12:11
Game 1, krox and saurus mng, not 100% to get a box draw with the team for a while, no skills?
We're playing TV-MM here. Not leagues. Why keep a team that might not get a game?
Posted by CaptainParrot on 2017-07-19 20:14:58
I took my first ever Dirty Player as my first advance in a RRR. Next round, 2 Bull Centaurs fouled into oblivion. :)
Posted by finsterface on 2017-07-20 09:16:19
@CaptainParrot: Sounds epic. About to enter my 1st RRR with Necro. Maybe I'll follow on that dark path... XD
Posted by Lorebass on 2017-07-20 11:20:07
Its not regular league but my Skink SLA team is a good example of winning through fouls. Even without any DP and not-so-cheap players fouling still has its place in any bb game. Just less so again regen teams.
Posted by Sigmar1 on 2017-07-20 17:29:28
The 'power of fouling'? The 'power' to lose my own players for (usually) no effect? It's a very rare game fouling does anything other the put me at a disadvantage.
Posted by finsterface on 2017-07-20 22:49:46
@Sigmar1: Got curious and wanted to find out, how you tried the "power of fouling". Chose to only look at your Box-Nurgle (cheap players in a division where your matchmaking doesn't suffer from a fouling-stigma). Also only looked at their last 5 matches (too lazy ;-). Found out: 10 Fouls in 5 matches. 8 of those with DP. 2 Bans (both of those were Rotters). 3 KOs caused by fouling (1 Bloater, 1 Yhetee & some other player I don't remember). Sounds like a reasonable result for a modest attempt at fouling. If you want more, foul moooaaaar! XD
Posted by Sigmar1 on 2017-07-20 23:46:03
@finster: I don't have a Nurgle Box team...
Posted by finsterface on 2017-07-20 23:56:17
@Sigmar1: U r right, I guess I confused the divisions. I was looking for some Box team with cheap Linemen and a DP at all, but couldn't find any and went back to your Ranked-Nurgles! ;-)
Posted by finsterface on 2017-07-21 00:07:57
@Lorebass: Is it the "Canukistan Fiercerest GeckOhs"? 11 Fouls / 5 matches. More than I'm aiming at on avg. And Skink are not cheap plus DP is a double. No DP on the team, but a Sneaky Git. How is that working for you? :-P