CTV 1850k Lizardmen
Dark Elf CTV 1910k
#11 Speedy Itzo – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#11 Speedy Itzo – Smashed Knee (NI)
#13 Magrat Garlick – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#16 Rincewind – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#16 Rincewind – Smashed Knee (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The dark elf ball carrier retreats to their endzone on receipt of the ball while the rest of the dark elves get heavily engaged by the lizards and are unable to get someone free to receive - they were looking for the classic elf 'all the way in one turn' TD and unfortunately ran out of rerolls as failed dice caused turnovers when they really couldn't afford them. This meant I could eventually sack the ballcarrier and run in a TD to go 2-0 up.
2nd half with the dark elves clearly behind though 'get the ref' only cost them a single casualty (other two from being blocked and failing a dodge) which if I were in their position I would certainly be happy with (hate facing get the ref). Still - only 10 of them available for setup and 2-0 down. A very nice play on the DE 2nd turn lets them score from right back near their endzone with every player marked (including the ballcarrier) - that's elf bowl!
They follow this up with a very nice kick + blitz combo that has them holding the ball in my half before we even start our drive! Followed up with another amazing elvish move has them move the ball to the very far corner- almost unreachable by my players. Some speedy skink sprinting and a couple big guy GFIs (none more nailbiting) means I can manage to just cover the blitzer. His following turn he can only get a 1d blitz to make it through and unfortunately (for him!) it's a skull-RR-skull. This lets me get a hold of the ball at last and cage my way up the pitch (good numbers advantage by now) to score, making it 3-1 and securing the game!
Thanks for the match Thomcat, great fun and you almost levelled it out!”