“2 players going into the 2nd world... apo failed to rescue one of 'em... ...
It was a fantastic game with a lot of (crazy) thingz happening on the field! Opponent played well and the Sprouts can be happy to go home with a tight win(!!!).
“Nobbla Blackwort earnt his wage again acting as both a positional and crazy chainsaw loon. This was ended when he was Badly Hurt rather than the Ref which made a nice change.
Game will go down as a memorable one for a number of reasons.
1) Game was played in a Blizard.
2) Coach RawMessiah prooved himself to be a great opponent both tactically and in regards to fun.
3) Pure Carnage on the field
4) TTM resulted in an eaten Goblin. Rip: Squishy McFlatulence.
RawMessiah deserved his win in a close fought match, I had some disasterous dice in the tail end of the second and a little issue of a none Break Tackling Troll ( I am not to angry bout the skill not working as I rolled Snake Eyes anyway ).
I look forward to the re-match ! :)”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
It was a fantastic game with a lot of (crazy) thingz happening on the field! Opponent played well and the Sprouts can be happy to go home with a tight win(!!!).
Thx for a great match Catalyst!”