CTV 1710k Tomb Kings
Necromantic Horror CTV 1710k

13000 (1 FAME)

#2 Yasha – Groin Strain (MNG)
#5 Bob – Dead (RIP)
#6 Bobbette – Dead (RIP)
#7 Tripwire – Dead (RIP)
#8 Staying Dead – Fractured Leg (MNG)
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1st half starts out ok, as I score relatively quickly and have KO'd both his Blitz-ra's...but signs of what was to come were there..1st foul was a KO and thrown out. Then the hammer started to fall..and it turned into an anvil,then a Meteor.... Both my wights died in the same turn on two consecutive blocks. and I got yet another player ejected by KO'ing the same Blitz-ra. (at least the two blitz-ras did not come back). Could not stop the score at all.
2nd half, Yasha gets SI'd on a foul, and later both Ghouls are taken out--one on a dodge, the other on a foul or block, can't remember now. Anyway, by the end, I just stayed on the ground with my 4 players. At least I have $$ to replace the dead.
no new skills. TV will be much lower now :)