CTV 2240k Chaos Chosen

19000 (1 FAME)

Shambling Undead CTV 2220k


No change
#3 The Mountain – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#6 Faceless Hunter – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#9 Kraklow – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#11 Walking Dead – Fractured Leg (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
We were blitzed immediately. There was a crowd of bodies fighting in the centre, while Faceless Hunter tried to advance around with limited support. Alas Duke Death did an ill advised -2db frenzy hit on a Chaos Warrior and was KO'd. Then Kraklow was blitzed by a tackle, star Beastman. Hit so hard he missed the next match. A moment later the Mountain was surrounded and cas'd by a claw Chaos Warrior. Also missing the next match. What a couple of blows! Faceless Hunter managed to make it to the end zone, but not before Yggardis was cas'd too! Seal was sent off for a weak foul as well.
After that without key personnel we were mercilessly beaten down. They pulled off a handoff to equalise by half-time.
Then in the second half we were outmanned so the Chaos side had no problem scoring in their drive and taking the ball for a 3rd. In fact in the steal they even fractured Faceless Hunter's hip, meaning he no longer has such impressive speed! In our attempts to regain the ball with zombies down the flank Rot Zombie did get hold of it, but we then had a host of players surfed. Two players left on the pitch in the end.
The Mutations got their revenge. But the Forgotten Villains will return!”