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Dies in protest to the most hideous display of falsebloodbowl coached by Pakrovejas! A man who cheats with his roster before connecting (tr shaves, purchases new players. NOT a tournament game) The black gods of war have taken notice!
Leader and chaplain of the Hellbound Charioteers! DeMaio is the last active incarnation that preceeds the first XFL. He rode for another 150 games battling every team that challenged the charioteers all the way to the XFLII, where he leads the vegabond kings to runner up status.
DeMaio has personally decapitated 10 players with no apoth saving. Also, in possession of all opponent heads of those who die from other circumstances.
Siege game 19: cracks another head, gains the glory of the crowd..again. one cas away from next skill!
Siege game 20: third game in a row he CAS's a opponent and gains MVP. DeMaio learns the art of hunting. Gaining super movement to stalk his prey...and deliver swift punishment upon those who attempt to defy the charioteers.
Seige game 28: Age'd on third skill. Growing old on the road to death!
Seige game 29: the master of death shows his running prowess by catching a wild pass from Jay Bergen, and sprints down field, dodging ironfists of orcs to win this day!!! Hail!
Siege game51: pwn'd by the mighty one! DeMaio claims a rat head, two TDs, a completion and more! Hail to thee, King of war!
Siege game 52: Another omega blow to the neck...this time a goblin is fallen....and DeMaio upgrades to 8 movement! Kill with Power!!!
siege game 57: sucks up the MVP (since no one did well at all) and becomes the second best active ranked norse blitzer on the TOP TEN LIST. first place 160spps. Hail!
put your back into it! Break head off with spine still attached
twin diesel beasts
Furious agony
flay the beasts
stone grave
breathe again!
embers of the seven dying flames
vegabond kings
mounds of the slain, food to the Wicked Ones.
To hell he rides with fury and crazed passion
crucify in the name of violence and bloodshed!
pierce the blackness of night, and enter thy destiny...each dawn we die!
16 turns of full five finger throat throttling grindfest!
for all those not destined to serve in heaven...but one day pwn in Hell!
A full charge into challenge of manhood. Single combat brings detiny! Let us die together. DRINK MY BLOOD...AS I DRINK YOURS!
Frenzied with madness...and hands like brass bladed wheels...thirsty for the wetness that is the blood of our enemies!
an army of death ladden'd war engines!
brass thrones of spiked war engines!
let thy funneral pyre take high to the sky, to Heaven goes the burning of flesh of the world...while Hades in turn claims the soul of the beast
Flying fists of berserker rage!
Strike with the power of Thor's hammer!
Decapititate with power!
Like blades of silver...penetrate the vitals and cease the breath of life!
Drive hard into the night, rest not, till death hath its fill!
Let the darkness claim thy soul!
No walls can contain the power
Smoke of my sacrifice!
The sacred catacombs of earth's fallen breatheren
jack hammer blow to the head!
twilight of pain
Branded by the blood
Hell's agent duty is fufilled, their wives widowed in one massive blow.
Decompose in place, mangled corpse. I have no use for you anymore.
Thy bloodpool memoralizes where the last beat of thy heart.
Flesh and souls, sacrificed to you, Lords of Pain!
Hardcore riders of steel, bullet forth upon the road to Hell
exterminate without remorse the core!
impaled boldly, upon a mighty spear of war
the razor of despair
beaten down by the warriors of the world, those who ride without fear...
the champions of death's sacrifice
corkscrew off the head
kick high the dusts of fate, and the fires of courage
flesh dies, where courage remains
to the lands where death lives, and all life dies
fierce is his piercing gaze of hate, and unyielding fists of stone
walking death, bleed freedom from the tyranny of life
ancient battle cars driven without rest
Godless vagrants of the road
Stamp out another gravestone. The bodies are piling up!
appetite wet and thirsty for the kill.
Weep not for the dusted corpse which lay before you. For his mind and soul were already gone. They were siezed by the lords of Hell, razed and branded to ride full speed into the heart of glory...and yearn to the return to the grave!
With two fisted beers, slammed down thy poision! Let lust and untamed vices rule thy the grave!
let the chariot beasts of war, feast upon thy bones! at least in that sense...there is use for you yet!
Strong was his heart, for the spray of red pumped a full 15 feet from his fatal wound! Rest oh brave heart of steel. Save thy strength to conquer all in depths of Hades!
Descend to the cradle of darkness consumate warrior! Weep not for those who die young and proud upon the fields of glory, but for all those who never live! To those who's docile ways and stagnate life lingers a century with only one result...a sad withering death. Weep for those who were never blessed...with the curse to ride the road to Hell.
Back broken and head ripped asunder...
shower the red liquid of life
Death is life
Fall into the burning House of Death! Join the armies of the forsaken, for they are millions strong, and return you hear the call of true Bloodbowl!
Mauled before thousands
Embrace the cold of stillness...thy tomb is sealed!