Wyele the Contracted ended his career for the Doctrine as he was killed and raised as
a zombie!
Personal Godfather: johnnih
Being af son of commoners, Wyele set out to create a name and fortune for himself as a merchant. He worked his way up starting out as a humble grocer, but soon became a trader of luxuries. When one day he became business associate of a very powerful and influential merchant, he thought his future made. In a way, he was right.
Having completed a particular delicate task for his associate, Wyele suddently found himself the target of his powerful connection. Hired musclemen cornered him in the streets a dark night and left the alleys with the young fortune seeker's blood on their hands. The powerful merchant must've thought himself really clever until he found a notice at his work desk, shortly stating that Wyele had done his part of the deal and would now come to collect his payment.
The once so mighty man was soon relieved of more than the coin he owned his former business partner. Noone knows of the details, but a masked man was seen leaving the merchant's pomperous mansion in the dark of the night. Some say Wyele signed a contract with the devil to allow him his revenge, others say the young trader was simply more resourceful then anyone expected, and yet others believed the mysterious figure to be a former friend exacting his revenge on the merchant.
Whatever the truth, a shady figure now walks the streets accepting jobs in the name of Wyele. It is said that once contracted he will always deliver. For some reason he has recently been contracted by the coach of Pandemonium Doctrine. To what purpose, only the two of them know.