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Game 1
first half

The Kestrel's got off to a decent start. The team swept to one side KOing ghoul Johanna Stranck (who doesn't come back) in the process.

Things got a little messy when a double skull is rolled, using up a vital reroll and then a skull/both down comes up when lineman Tobiar Ryfon tries to block wight Spencer Jansen, giving the Raizers a chance at a 1D block. The resulting both down stuns team captain Traeliorn and pops the ball, but ends the Raizers' turn.

The Kestrels clear the ball (KOing werewolf Mayor Bright in the process) and retrieve it, but a failed dodge, this time, leaves them in a tricky position. Again the Raizers are able to tag the ball carrier with a wolf - this time Hansen Wright. But with lots of standing players in contact, the Kestrels clear a path for Eärendur Ancalimë to make the 3+ pass into the waiting hands of blitzer Finwë Táralóm, who streaks away towards the endzone.

Werewolf Wright, takes exception to this turn of events and smashes the hand of Olwë Telemnar, who will miss the Kestrels' game against the Barren Hill Bashers.

With the goal line beckoning and a potentiall early lead, Finwë Táralóm arrogantly blitzs wight Spencer Jansen, thinking "What is the worst that can happen, that is why I have a reroll in the bag. BOOM double skulls, that's OK, I'll use the reroll, reroll, BOOM double skulls again. A certain score turns into a mess deep in the Raizers' half. Both teams are out of rerolls and scramble around for the ball but fail dodges and pick ups so the half ends scoreless.

second half

With the score at 0-0 and both teams getting one knocked out player back, it is the Kestrels who kick off the second half, playing 9 vs 11. But not before the boisterous fans riot, costing some time from the game. The Raizers make their opening hits and cage up around werewolf Wirght in their own half.

The Kestrel's return fire, but another set of double skulls (is that four so far? - Ed) causes another reroll to be frittered away.

The Raizers slide down the flank - rolling a double skull of their own (rerolled) before a fifth double skull for the Kesterls is also rerolled. The play is all around the half way line as first blood of the half goes to the Kestrels with a zombie (Boris Flurn) badly hurt, regen failed - giving Finwë Táralóm his first star player points of this new career. The Kesterls' inability to block again results in a turn over, this time Ralnor Molaroni the guilty party.

Half way through the Raizers' drive, it is looking fairly rosy, with the ball caged up and the Kestrels' doing their best to sabotage themselves.

Then a failed block by Mayor Bright, KOs former dark elf Constantin Melandrach, but also ends the Raizers turn. Have fortunes turned?

A 1D pow opens up the half cage on the sideline, inviting the blitz. Captain Traeliorn doesn't need a second invitation and dodges away from Golem Mary Van Glife, and rerolls his block into another POW, werewolf Wright is knocked out by the baying fans and the ball is thrown deep into Kestrel territory. A couple of dodges and a pick up later and the Kestrels have the ball. From nothing, all of a sudden the momentum has changed.

Werewolf Bright tags the ball carrier, but to no avail as the Kestrels show that bloodbowl is as much about ball handling and dodging as it is about blocking. They dodge several players free, blitz Bright off the ball carrier, and (with a lot of luck) make a series of 3+ and 2+ rolls to see the experienced Tobias Ryfon run free with the ball in hand. The series includes team captain Trae dodging through a crowd of players to mark Mikeal Stine, the only Raizers player who can reach Tobias.

The only further action of note is another casualty to a werewolf as Mayor Bright badly hurts rookie Xhalth Selleck, before Tobias crosses the line for the game winning score.

Full time Kestrels 1 Raizers 0
Game 2
As the cheap seats fill up with the fans, Tobias looks out into the stadium and sees that the Kestrels away support, The Wild Birds, outnumber the home fans.

first half

The Barren Hills Bashers win the toss and choose to receive. The opening blocks knock over the line of scrimmage elves, taking the opportunity to get their first skill for the beastman Abondable, with a quick pass, burning up a precious reroll in the process.

The Bashers move down one flank and then burst through the Kestrel's lines to the other flank. Eventually scoring in their fifth turn, after not being able to really hurt any elves. Smeek scoring the touchdown and grabbing his first skill.

The elves however, also showed equal ineptitude in their blocking ability, rarely knocking down their opponents. Their dodging, on the other hand, allowed them to stay clear and avoid too many hits. Although Trae was knocked out during the drive and didn't make it back for the Kestrel's drive.

1-0 Bashers

The elves reply was not quite as precise, although Constantin Melandrach skilled up following a quick pass of his own.

A 1d block in their sixth turn and some clever dodging allowed blitzer Finwë Táralóm to set up in the Bashers' half, with a loose cage. With a gap left, Chaos Warrior Slowek, dodged free and after a double skulls blitz was rerolled was able to pop the ball. A failed GFI, however, gave the elves a chance to retrieve the ball. But a failed pick up, left the ball on the ground in the Bashers' half, going into the last turn.

With the ball tagged by two Chaos players, the Kestrels had some work to do to get the score they needed to tie the game. Another failure to knock over their opponent was not catastrophic as the ball bounced into an elves turn, who was able to dodge away and hand over to Finwë, who scored the equalising touchdown.

Half time 1-1

second half

Receiving in the second half, Finwë took a quick pass for a skill, so both teams had successfully levelled two players. Still in the first turn, rookie lineman Mablung Palantír, caused the first casualty of the game after he badly hurt a beastman.

Some back and forth blocking on the line of scrimmage ensues before the Kestrel's make a dash down the southern flank.

With the game getting bunched up on the flanks, Trae makes a sprint for the touchdown, but is stopped in his tracks, before being pushed up against the sidelines. A failed beastman dodge, gives the Kestrels a chance to blitz Trae free, but almost inevitably a failed block sees Trae lying prone on the floor. The ball is then blitzed free, and the throw in puts it back into the Bashers' half.

However, the opportunity to pick up the ball is lost to a double skull (rerolls long gone). But the Bashers are unable to secure the ball, rolling a pair of both downs to end their turn.

The Kestrels don't turn down a fourth gift horse, and with some excellent (read lucky) doding and pick up, sees Mablung seriously injure Frew, before Tobias picks up the ball from the feet of a Chaos Warrior and dashes for the end zone.

There is still time for one more blocking failure, as the Bashers roll a skull/both down, which allows the Kestrels to stroll in for their second touchdown.

Final score 2-1 Kestrels

Game 3
first half

On an incredibly sunny day, the Knights win the toss and opt to receive. They the proceed to put in a big first turn as two of the Kestrels' line of scrimmage are dispatched to the KO box while stunning a third. An attempt at some fancy dan ball handling fails, but the bouncing ball ends up back in the hands of thrower Sir Arthur.

In the Knights' second turn, once again Arthur tries to give the ball to another player, this time Sir Lancelot. However the animosity between these two former friends is clearly still simmering following the latters dalliance with Queen Guinevere and Lancelot drops the ball, luckily for the Knights, the ball dropped safe.

Arthur scoops it up again and the humans head down the North flank, while the elves try to pen them in. A couple of turns of jousting for position, including Traeliorn Salendor being KO'd and Squire Thomas being surfed although the crowd were evidently all clad in slippers as he didn't even suffer a KO.

Then a chance presented itself. Adresin Phaendar, makes a couple of dodges, two gfi's and knocks over Arthur. The ball once again bounces safely, and the next block sees Dark Elf Constantin Melandrach roll double both downs and he hits the floor. A couple of useful armour breaks for the Knights, leaves the elves with only a high risk play, but a failure on the second 3+ dodge, sees the ball scatter to the feet Constantin.

An attempted retrieval by the Knights fails when catcher Sir Loras fails a dodge.

half time 0-0

second half

Great KO rolls, brings all three Kestrels' players back to the field, and the second half starts 11 vs 11.

A decent kick sees the ball land by the sidelines, but Finwë Táralóm is able to pick up the ball safely. The elves dance around the line of scrimmage, before punching a hole to send Tobias Ryfon and Adresin on a decoy run through the middle, as the Knights swing back to cover the two elf linemen, before a 1d block throws up a skull and the turn ends.

The Kestrels take the opportunity afforded to them to swing to the southern flank and establish a strong position in the Knights' half.

Sadly, rookie Xhalth Selleck, was killed in a block of insance dice (five 6s and two 5s in a sequence of eight dice), while the Knights are also able to put a tackleone on ball carrier Finwë.

The elves dodged (and dodged and dodged, and then really dodged) free to consolidate their position deep in their opponents half.

More dodging and precision blocking sees the elves stalling as the swing round the bottom of the human line up and out the other side. The humans position was further undermined by a turn of weak blocking three 2D blocks resulted in pushs, before a 1D block saw a skull rerolled into another push. Although the final 1D did result in a pow, too many elves were left standing for human tastes.

The elves were able to stall for a couple more turns, despite losing Tobias for the next game, but then some poor positioning and a failed GFI opened a possiblity of a 1D block on the ball carrier. With everything in position just a push was needed to open the path....then double skulls with no reroll left denied even the chance at a 1D. All that was left was for Finwë to stroll in for the game winning and division securing score.

Full time 1-0 Kestrels

To come
To come
Season One
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
6 3 4 8
  8 0 3 0 1 0 11/16 90k
6 3 4 8
  10 1 0 0 0 1 6/16 90k
6 3 4 8   10 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 70k
6 3 4 8
  7 1 1 0 0 1 9/16 90k
6 3 4 7
-av 9 1 0 0 0 2 11/16 90k
7 3 4 8
  9 0 1 0 2 1 12/16 120k
6 3 4 8
Pass, Safe Throw
Sure Hands
  10 7 0 0 0 0 7/16 110k
8 3 4 7
Dodge, Wrestle
  6 0 6 0 1 0 20/31 130k
7 3 5 8
Dodge, +AG
  10 5 3 0 3 1 25/31 160k
8 3 4 7
  1 0 1 0 0 1 8/16 110k
6 3 4 8 m 10 0 0 0 2 0 4/6 70k
6 3 5 8
  9 4 1 0 1 0 9/16 110k
11 players (+1 player missing next game)  
Coach: Raughri Re-Rolls (100k): 3  
Race: High Elf Fan Factor: 8  
Current Team Value: 1450k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 270k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1520k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:10 (8/1/1) |TD Diff:12 (20 - 8) |Cas Diff:-8 (8/3/1 - 11/6/3)
Last Opponent: Black Fortress Doomguard