Hmm. So hear we go again:
I think the most of u know how hard it is to stay alive in leagues.
And so its nothing more to wonder about if a team get smashed up like mine just an hour ago:
BUT.... ffs Nuffle.... why donated u my team (or shall I say: "blessed my team"?) with two double - skills one game before this armageddon happened? Why am i allowed to be as merry as a lark for the "block" for my ogre and "stand firm" for the (now dead) BLitzer....
Hmm??? Nuffle?? Any excuses no? K.... Then not. So i will turn my back to u. The only problem is, that even my turn away from u wont bother u at all. Ignorant Gods around here. grrr.
So far so nice. I dont want to grumble because of this game ;-) It was quite fun amd another example why u shouldnt concede if u only got 3 men standing. Cause they are angry!^^
Nice new year to everyone out there. Lets rock further!
Cheers, Nuffle *givingHimABottleOfSnaps*