Posted by Lorebass on 2013-06-23 15:27:04
i'd almost call this a "shaming"... but my mind broke down
Posted by Araznaroth on 2013-06-23 15:40:48
The pic is from my girlfriends dog, who is named Woodstock! And you might not say from his looks but he's a very sweet dog!;)
Posted by Overhamsteren on 2013-06-23 17:01:45
I HATE WOODSTOCK (the skink of course)
Posted by Nightbird on 2013-06-23 19:48:54
Woodstock rules!
(the dog of course)
Posted by licker on 2013-06-24 08:04:37
Y'all know Woodstock is supposed to be a bird right?
Posted by fangbanger on 2013-06-24 18:46:17
so that's what Woodstock looks like, that pretty close to what I though he might look like with his "gruff" behavior except I woulda never guessed red was his favorite color