Black Box Brawl is recruiting and even if you do not have a team that is peaking or perfectly balanced...then just enter a rookie team!
Brawl Rats were a rookie skaven team tossed into the deep end three weeks ago - and they have quite a run!
Round 1 was a very fun and competitive match against Subs 1880 TV Orcs. Had our choice of inducements of course and settled on Glart (ST 4 Claw stormvermin) and Shuttlespike (ST 3 AG 5ish gutter runner) - Glart was killed very quickly, but Shuttlespike was the hero of the match. It was very close, but we got some good dice in the second half to grab the victory.
Round 2 was against Dunenzed's excellent
Sons of Brutus - a well respected Human team. Coming in at 1860 TV, we were not sure how to counter them, but figured it was time for Morg to hit the pitch, so Morg and Skitter was the two for this game. Morg nearly blew it for us with a double skull and a triple skull blocking - however, our gutter runners took over and the humans tripped over their own feet and it turned into a blowout.
Final Round was against zoliak's 1950 TV Khemri - with a ST 6 Tomb Guardian, a MBPO tackler and some awesome throw-ras...this one was going to be tough. We again took Morg and Skitter for this one - figuring too hard for Glart to get blocks against the high ST tomb guardians. We kicked to start the game, and managed to put some pressure on the ball - with skitter 4+ dodging for the stab to take down the ball. It was loose, but ultimately the Khemri got their own 4+ dodge to recover and we lost too many players. The key to the game was the Khemri scoring on T7 instead of stalling due to fear of wizard...but with 2 turns to score with gutter runners...we avoided the snakes and tied it up 1-1 at the half. We scored quickly in second half and settled in to play defense with a wizard still ready. The wizard stunned the thro-ra, but we snaked our dodge, and the khemri recovered, but time was running short, skitter failed on 2 stabs, but then the thro-ra failed a dodge, and Morg scooped up the ball and time ran out to preserve the 2-1 win.
Overall - it was fun to play some different games - all with 800+ inducements...and I want to encourage people to just toss in a fun team into the
Black Box Brawl or into the
Fumbbl Cup. Let's have some fun!