Last Wednesday of the month and year is coming up - lots of ARR teams generally flood these brawls...come and join in the fun if you would like to. The brawls will be drawn as normal this Wednesday as close to 2200 server time as I am able to. However, please note I am at my in-laws, so the draw may be several hours later than normal.
Next Wednesday (Jan 6), will be normal brawls in addition to the FUBAR Cup. Any team that is of the following races: Slann, High Elf, Underworld, Vampire, Pro Elf, Goblin, Ogre, Halfling or Human will be included in the FUBAR Cup unless you PM me with a note that you do not want to be included. Furthermore, since only 1 entry per coach, if a coach has multiple teams from the races above, I will take the highest TV team for the FUBAR Cup - again unless you PM me differently. Please wait until after this Wednesday's draw before applying for the FUBAR Cup. The FUBAR Cup will be a large KO tournament with however many teams apply.
For applications - enter your Black Box team