Hey all,
We've finished our second Combined HUBBA Cups and HUBBA ise now about to start their 14th season.
For now we have two or three spots open for the next season and we're looking for recruits.
Why HUBBA you ask?
-Each race is only represented once. So that's 24 unique teams, spread over 3 division but put together for the cup between seasons.
-4 Houserules which mostly improve stunty chances and nerves CPOMB a bit.
-Lots of friendly coaches of different skill and experience.
-Rounds are 10 days and we expect that you're more or less available during regular BB hours (CET evenings).
-Teams are RANDOMLY distributed amongst the new recruits. For next season (this recruitment drive) the following teams are available:
Norse (possibly)
So if you want to join us, please take a good look at our
league rules and then reply in this thread. Once we have enough recruits I will make a draw to see who gets which team (reiterating you don't get to choose! Which is fun because you might end up with a team you've never/hardly played before).
We're aiming to kick off on January 23rd.
edit: one spot taken!
Any questions? Feel free to ask!
Forum topic