And yes I know he wasn't the first one to do it, but man if akaRenton and his Dirty Cranberries weren't the absolute best at it! I have to wonder if his opponents thought he was as crazy as I am for trying this, nearly every game it's a shocker of a lineup for the other guy.
The Shuffle have had their first 10 games and the learning curve is indeed steep. I cut down on the re-rolls a bit and lightened the bench to fit more with akaRenton's model. Keeps the TV low and the matchmaker rather manageable.
But even with the slower than Dwarf movement, Khemri like ball handling and lonely G access on every blank slate player, I can see why he found the zombie team as fun as he did. Players are dirt cheap and I don't feel the need to protect any particular one just yet so I'm far more willing to just tie players down with a little zombie speed bump anywhere I can.
And come on, it's a chance to bring a player like Howie Makepeace back into the fold! Who doesn't want to see that?
Well that's probably not gonna happen anytime soon, but a coach can dream. Every team's gotta start somewhere right?
Gonna keep at this though, even more intriguing playing this style of BB than it was spectating it. Now if we could only shuffle our way into our first win....