2007-12-17 19:39:57
50 votes, rating 3.2
On Saturday I decided to have a few drinks and play some bloodbowl. I had the PS2 and was playing Madden alot, but the kid took it back. So I was left with the old standbye, bloodbowl to entertain myself. I had donated some funds to the boss when the Canadian dollar was more than the US before I took my leave. My return was mixed.
First off, I played paulhicks for the first time. We fouled, cheered, blocked and laughed. It was how bb was supposed to be, fun and not so artificial. A couple of times I had to leave the old, stall/safe play aside. The first time ever I fouled before scoring a td. Paul had great block dice, but his fouls (and mine) were ko's and stuns. Then I played Burnalot and got my 4ag BoB to legend! His 176spp came on a game winning int!! Burn played great despite being outmatched and having his players spends lots of time in the ko box. 2-0, but the games were enjoyable against good/fun opponents.
Now the bad. This stupid bot kicking people for swears. Not just the basic bad words, but for 'wtf'. The kicker was when a coach was kicked for asking anyone if they have seen the movie, The Chronicals of Riddick. As some previous blogs mentioned, common sense has left the building. I leave for a few months and the dictatorship here worsens. Evo is rolling over in his Fumbbl grave.