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2010-08-19 05:13:38
rating 4.6
2010-03-30 08:10:55
rating 5
2010-02-11 17:14:44
rating 5.2


2009-08-14 18:06:14
rating 3.6
2009-08-10 18:30:36
rating 4.3
2009-08-10 18:30:36
30 votes, rating 4.3
Facing the fear
Well, I have finally faced my fear, and I've challenged the two teams that have been worrying me most, both as newish player & as an elf player.

First, Dwarves:

of beard

I'm pretty certain I was lucky in the first half not to take more casualties from the appalling wall of guard strung across the pitch, and I was definitely lucky to get the second TD.

They still bother me, not so much because of the all over block, but because of the tackle which cuts so badly into the blodging standard for elves that it feels like your team dropped 20 TS just by walking onto the field. In theory, I suppose, the points value is the same, but it feels very different because every elf with dodge cost me several game's worth of play - but tackle comes with every lineman.

It is true that they are horribly, horribly slow, and that IS what gives you the opportunity - but then again, with AV9, it's not going to be cas that take you to the win unless you are another heavy bash team. I am still uncertain whether I'd actively seek them out again.

Second, Khemri:

...know us by the trail of dead

This was a deliberate choice, based on their TR over their TS, and I told the coach specifically that was what I was doing, and that I had no problem with a refusal. I've been concerned about TR bloat on the Mutilators, but I can assure anyone who is interested that this a pretty drastic way to go about improving the matter (it has done, but I'll get to that in a moment).

I play the first half pretty solidly, and work hard at exploiting the lack of tackle (something I have come to appreciate after the dwarf game) and survive even a first turn, first half GTR by staying mobile and elf stalling my way to the 7th turn. I get away with only one niggle, my top blitzer, and one of the main reasons for the bloat, thanks to a failed apo roll. Second half starts well with a blitz that lets me snag the ball and get across the line before the khemri completely swamp my holding line. It's after this that the trouble starts; I make a big mistake and get greedy for the ball. Instead of staying out the way when I was already outmanned but with the game in the bag, I make an abortive attempt at the ball and then try to foul a mummy off. The resulting scrum is a slaughter, and I almost consider myself lucky to get away with only one SI (again, a niggle) and a RIP before extracting my players - the RIP a new player on the brink of skilling, and the SI another one of my better players, but also one of the TR issues.

This, however, ties into the recent forum thread about Khemri. What the match reinforced for me is the sad disparity between losing for bash, and losing for ball. I won the match, and even gained ff, but my team has dropped 20 odd TS, and 2 of my longest serving players, including my first (and so far only) star, are gone. And this is a game I won.

The Khemri lost the game, but the team lost... nothing. Had I lost the game - been unluckier during the first half - then it would almost certainly have been through overwhelming and, potentially, team-retiring casualties.

Now, as far as the team goes, it's just the game, right? In the very long term, I gained a point of ff, and dropped below the 150 mark with a much improved tr/ts ratio to make the rebuild a little easier with what is still a solid, if undermanned team. In the shorter term, I have access to wider range of TS and games across all my teams. In one sense, I haven't really lost anything.

But it still bothers me. I made a mistaken decision and lost two players. I'm sure the Khemri team made errors - but, in an open league, what did they lose? With 3 cas, their fan factor is almost as safe as mine, and they are free to stroll on to the next game. I'm glad I played the game; but, on balance, the risk so badly outweighs the reward - and is so unfairly distributed between the teams anywhere except a tournament - that it's not worth playing them until my coaching skills are much improved.
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Posted by pythrr on 2009-08-10 19:44:34
stop whining

khem are easy to beat, and to beat up

play more smart
Posted by jarvis_pants on 2009-08-10 20:01:13
shouldn't that be play more smarter.... duh.
Posted by Malmir on 2009-08-10 20:25:15
No! It should be play more smartly :)
Posted by stej on 2009-08-10 22:04:16
Im with you on the Khemri thing. I dont shy away from many game offers and this was no exception. Needless to say the kickoffs went against me (GTR and 2x Blitz if i remember right). In the end I had taken 7 Cas on my D Elves and dealt out 2 in return. 4 SI's fortunately non perm but left me with 4 missing players for the next match (which needless to say I got creamed in)!

Still, it was a laugh and a different way to play. I think the niggles in LRB4 make some of the bash far too nasty
Posted by erased000026 on 2009-08-11 01:32:16
I was so sure it said "facing the rear", got kinda disappointed when it had nothing to with that...:(
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2009-08-11 04:40:41
You are afraid of Dwarfs and Mummies?

I'm afraid I'll be stabbed by a hobo while going to the store (god, I love where I live).
Posted by Ganabul on 2009-08-11 12:44:04
Curiously enough, the last line can actually be paraphrased as

until I can play more smartlier

@ Emphasy: Sorry to disappoint, I guess...?

@ Mr Foulscumm: No, not really, although I do occasionally hear worrying stories about people confusing teh interweb with real life. :)
Posted by Ganabul on 2009-08-11 15:51:35
Stej - yeah, it's not so much the in-game nastiness - where from one point of view, any injury is only a BH - but the after-game consequences. I hadn't played bloodbowl for a long time before I came here, and, overall, I think the rosters and *in-game* tactics are very well balanced - you only have to look at the mmorpg market to see examples where far fewer options are balanced far worse*. I just don't think the *after-match* consequences are as well balanced along the bash/ball continuum, at least when considering high volume, unlimited play situations like FUMBBL. I've looked at LRB 5, and it IS a lot more forgiving for ball playing teams. Shame there's not a client as complete & bug free or a community as dedicated to support it yet online...

*I know that some teams are clearly stronger or weaker choices; it's one of the strengths of the rule set, the community, & the fluff that the weaker teams are still played and find a place. Ironically, I guess that even includes the Khemri :)

(and, man, can we get an edit comment option round here sometime?)
Posted by Cavetroll on 2009-08-14 23:58:59
I share your opinions of both Khemri and Dwarves. I will play against them, but it can be more nerve-wracking. The long term effects to a softer team after getting bashed into the pitch can be discouraging, especially a race with expensive linemen.

In a tournament, these races can be beaten (I've done it) and at minimal casualties. But in open play if you play against them a lot with squishy races, it will take it's toll. They are also more forgiving to newer players and even experienced players at lower TRs. So I guess the game-balance is over the longterm.