Hey all, so below is info on what this is all about, my next blog is the actual code for you to sign. This is not something done officially by the site i.e. its nothing to do with christer. So what is The Players Code of Conduct -
In short - it a way of promoting a healthy playing environment, something that we can all work towards to make this site as enjoyable for all as possible.
The long explanation -
A test was done at two american univeristies - where some student signed a code of conduct about being honest and fair at the start of the trial, others did not. This was not a legal document, it just advisory about how best to conduct yourself, with 2 cardinal rules, and the rest basic principles on how to behave.
At the end of the study there was a test, and students were left alone to complete it. The trial found that those people that did not sign the code of conduct invariably cheated. Of those that did sign the code of conduct not a single one cheated.
The outcome of this study showed the researchers - most wanted to do the right thing, but needed a gentle reminder to keep them on track. Without it people would give in to more antisocial behaviours.
Why do I bring this study up? Well In Age of Sigmar they have a code of conduct that achieves something similar, for each general to read before a tournament starts and agree to. Which is having a positive impact on the AoS scene as it is starting to thrive and is a very friendly scene.
Here is a good AoS discord server. For those interested. And it just seems like a really nice idea.
So my next blog will containt the Code Of conduct for you to read, and stick your signature at the bottom of the page. Which will hopefully reduce/stop the bad parts of playing online vs a whining opponent for example, and if someone that has signed the code starts acting up you can give them a gentle reminder of the code without any ill will or hard feelings.
I like this idea as I believe it could make this site even more friendly and welcoming. Which is surely a good thing right?
Intererstingly Throweck has made a blog that covers some of the same issues which you can check out too,
on this link