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2013-06-07 08:24:45
23 votes, rating 3.6
the R word
Was just thinking about the heavy use of the R word to describe a massacre in a game. (not just blood bowl)

It crossed my mind this morning, that should we start saying "red wedding" instead of "rape"

"Your goblins really showed my team a red wedding!"

"Now THAT'S a red wedding"

I think it brings more depth to the conversation and should have little to none hostility towards people not liking the overused R word :)
(except for the unfortunate few who doesn't know where i might have took this idea)
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Posted by Badoek on 2013-06-07 08:55:37
You mean fortunate right? ;)
Posted by Mihme on 2013-06-07 09:08:37
Spoiler alert ?
Posted by Overhamsteren on 2013-06-07 09:51:24
What about just using normal words to describe whatever.

Weirdest thing is when people even start using it as an adjective, oh ma god these space marines are so rape!!!
Posted by the_Sage on 2013-06-07 09:54:07
The Red Wedding is so 2000.
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2013-06-07 10:09:56
Rape rape rape rape rape.
Posted by koadah on 2013-06-07 10:12:40
Oooooh! Fouly is so grown up. He knows how to type four letter words.
Posted by vaclav on 2013-06-07 11:27:08
How about a Term: "Monthly red" to describe mess on pitch...
Posted by cthol on 2013-06-07 11:39:54
Yeah, I started a whole thing on this topic a few years back, asking people to maybe be a bit more considerate in their choice of language, specifically using the word "rape": I got a whole load of pathetic crap about how "rape means pillage as well" (stop pretending that's how you mean it); "rape isn't discriminatory because men also can be raped" (oh, so that makes it ok); and self-serving "freedom of speech" rants which just sounded like the NRA after a gun massacre.

To be fair, some people weighed in and agreed, but mostly I got nowhere, as evidenced by the fact that it still goes on. It's a sad fact that racist language gets you kicked out of IRC, as I know from personal experience*, but casual sexism and normalising real world violence against vulnerable people is considered hilarious and worthy of free speech protections. Facebook has a similar problem. It's the single main reason I limit my forum posts to skill threads and don't go to IRC much: for all the "community spirit" I hear about on Fumbbl, I can't get past the bunch of jerks blowing off rape jokes like they're the only people in the room and the rest of us don't exist.

Posted by cthol on 2013-06-07 11:42:54
* during a IRC discussion about RL racism I used out a word that someone had used in a court case, by way of illustration. Got kicked immediately. Context is everything, folks...
Posted by Dalfort on 2013-06-07 11:54:22
I am with cthol on this issue and remember his forum thread, although I do have to point out that the "bot" cannot discern context.

As an unfortunate few I have had to look up where the reference came from, my eldest says I really should watch GoT though :)

Posted by vaclav on 2013-06-07 11:56:16
Can we say kill those pixels, cause so many inesent people die every day?
Posted by vaclav on 2013-06-07 11:59:37
i will kindly ask everyone to use word "remove" instead of kill and "bosooms" instead of "rape"
Posted by koadah on 2013-06-07 12:02:47
@Dalfort: On Sunday/Monday night many would have considered you fortunate. ;)
Posted by cthol on 2013-06-07 12:09:53
Dalfort: it wasn't the bot which kicked me, it was a person. When I objected on grounds of reasonable discussion I was told the word I typed is not acceptable in any context because it is racially demeaning. The same person who kicked me had not 5 minutes earlier been involved in loads of "yeah, Irish people are all drunk and fight all the time, lol" crap. My usage was in a constructive discussion about RL legal positions on racist language, his was making fun of people for laughs. But I got kicked. My comparison wasn't appreciated, I suspect I was threatened with a ban for bringing it up, but it's a long time ago.
Posted by koadah on 2013-06-07 12:14:05
I wonder who that was.

Maybe it is what Purplechest would refer to as "cultural differences."

My solution works just fine. I just don't use #Fumbbl.
Posted by ultwe on 2013-06-07 13:27:07
Don't watch GoT

Read "A Song of Ice and Fire". Then you will get the whole story ;-)
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2013-06-07 13:57:22
What I meant to say was "good luck". :)
Posted by The_Murker on 2013-06-07 14:00:08
I have to agree with the OP.

The word rape inplies agression, violence, unwillingness.

This is a silly game of chance. Don't play it if you can't handle brutal dice every once in a while.

Trivialising the word rape is distasteful at best in the English language. I wish good and respected players wouldn't use the term 'dice rape' when they get beaten. That would mean fewer new or poor players would imitate them in this regard. Perhaps then the self pitying expression might fade away, save for a few coaches confused about what is cool in the english language.
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2013-06-07 14:13:31
Rape isn't a fumbbl term for when shit goes sour. It is in universal use in most every online gaming community.

All we can do if we think it's a huge issue, is not to use it ourselves. The internet doesn't care about poor taste, or your opinions about what that is and/or why.
Posted by PurpleChest on 2013-06-07 14:19:16
While i do respect cultural differences leading to different cultural norms, it will always be a 'dice mauling' to me. I choose not to refer to a gaming situation as rape.

But the 'NRA' reference above is astute, some people cling to freedom of speech no matter the damage caused to others. Persuasion is the only answer, enforcing doesn't seem to work.

So: please consider if 'rape' is the right way to describe a game situation, and would you be happy to do so in front of someone that has suffered that crime?
Posted by cthol on 2013-06-07 14:51:50
@ Fouly:

I know it's widespread across the internet, and I am doing exactly what you suggest: not using it myself. However, that's not actually enough. If something is unfair, unjust, discriminatory, it's not enough to just say "well, I don't say it, but I don't mind if others do." We also have to speak out and object.

"The Internet" doesn't care about things because it's not a person, it's an abstract construct. But I care because I am a person. I have empathy. I have not been raped but I read, I watch TV, I talk to people.

So when you (yes, specifically you) reply with "Rape rape rape rape rape.": I'll tell you that you're an unpleasant chap and I wish you had a bit more respect for the people around you.

If we all throw around some racist abuse and anti-semitic rants and holocaust jokes, do you think we will become more open and welcoming or less? If we cultivate a community based on hurling abuse at anyone who's different, or vulnerable, or an easy target, do you think we will have more members or less?

Maybe there aren't thousands of women out there desperately wanting to play online blood bowl, but we're not exactly throwing out the welcome mat universally, and I know a bunch of RL people who won't play anything online because of the poisonous atmosphere. Fumbbl is actually pretty good all things considered, but we could still make it even better.
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2013-06-07 15:04:24
So when someone gets dice raped does that mean you are being raped by your dice or your dice are the victims of the rape?
Posted by luckyjim12 on 2013-06-07 15:33:53
I don't like it, personally. It seems weird that team names get changed (Wand Erection got changed to Wand Direction - not as funny) but you can say that you were dice raped.
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2013-06-07 15:53:05
I got diced.
I got raped.

Hard choice which one to use.

Speaking about context...

Do you guys think that the word is used the same in normal everyday speech, compared to how the word is used on the internet?

I mean, is a person that uses the word rape in an online game actually talking about the physical act of rape? The fact that he is online talking about a game should be a hint that he isn't (and if he/she is, then talking to the police should probably be a better use of their time than playing games anyway.)

Isn't the setting relevant at all?
Posted by Jeffro on 2013-06-07 15:55:06
Fouly's a woman. A bearded beauty, she is.
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2013-06-07 15:59:01
Also when I surf players, I actually take them surfing. Good times.
Posted by koadah on 2013-06-07 16:00:49
Why do you have say it at all?

You know it is going to P some people off but hey that's part of the fun isn't it.
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2013-06-07 16:07:07
For the record, outside of this blog, I don't say it at all. :P

But that is good advice kodah. We should all stop saying stuff. Since you never know, people might get piss off. And then the world would end. :(
Posted by Jeffro on 2013-06-07 16:32:21
Well when the world starts to end, I'm glad I have my poncho...

Posted by koadah on 2013-06-07 16:32:27
You can say whatever you like Fouly as long as you can deal with the reaction.

Then, I guess your little gang of good ole boys will remain just that.
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2013-06-07 16:40:55
koadah, I'm not the one having a problem here. It seems that would be you. :)

But then, I always forget... must not question the politically correct crowd. They are a touchy bunch.
Posted by The_Murker on 2013-06-07 17:45:05
Eh. You don't have to be politically correct to find something offensive, childish, or insensitive.

This is a blog talking about how one guy wishes less people used an expression that rubs him the wrong way. Good on him.

Any retort that amounts to, "That's just how lots of gamers talk on the internet," dosn't change the fact that it rubs alot of people here the wrong way. Just like any use of the word "gay" that could be taken in a negative light might offend some.

I have used the latter example when trying to convey my thoughts on a subject. Some people spoke up. Fair enough. I'm happy to be one to speak up here.

Maybe some would defend their use of the term "dice rape" or "rape" in a similar fashion. They are trying to communicate their frustration with an audience of like minds who would also use that term. I submit that that audience of internet gamer "rape victiums" would consist largely of 14 year old boys who are trying desperatly to sound cool as they imitate the actions of the other teenagers they are interacting with. Young people who have no real ability or desire to consider how an actual rape might make someone feel.

I feel no need to take part in any internet culture that I find immature, insensitive, offensive, etc. (that includes typing with smiley faces, or wearing crocks) I feel that imitating the way 14 year old gamers communicate to be childish. I would really hate it if I had an 8 year old that were to trying to be "cool" in that fashion.

I pass no judgement on FUMBBLERS whose first language isn't english. If you learn your english on the net... some of it is just going to be akward. Fair game for even learning a second language.

But if you're English and "dice rape" is in your regular vocabulary I'm inclined to think you're a bit of a twit. Bigger than me, anyway, and I can be a pretty insensitive twit.

Good blog Meltyman
Posted by Wreckage on 2013-06-07 17:50:27
In all honesty I read this and my first thought was that this was a bit disturbing and my second thought was that you surely weren't serious.
Seeing how people still debate this I can only say: Changeing one word for another isn't really a constructive suggestion.
Posted by blocknroll on 2013-06-07 18:09:40
Its interesting to consider if any of us had used the phrase in that way prior to some form of online gaming. I doubt we had, though of course I cant be sure other than in my own experience.

It's interesting to ponder how easily our vernacular changes to suit the environment we are in, even when it wouldnt be acceptable in pretty much any RL conversation.

Ive got a favourite comedy routine which revolves around the phrase "stuff you, Ive been to the moon!" It has been the case that this gets shortened to the "stuff you" part, which I keep saying to people (that i know quite well) who dont know the context. Its caused some problems and highlighted my social ineptness. Go out, to your friends and family and casually drop whichever careless obscenity you like and see the reactions!

Cultural differences do come into play. A certain sexual swear word that I use often in England really didnt go down well in the USA, which I think must be a social class thing over there given it's use in music, films, tv shows etc.

The PC brigade by the way pretty much dont exist. Just a bunch of people who think it would be great for more people to get on together without needless antagonism. Sadly needless antagonism is some people's raison d'etre!
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2013-06-07 18:35:08
"The PC brigade by the way pretty much dont exist. Just a bunch of people who think it would be great for more people to get on together without needless antagonism. Sadly needless antagonism is some people's raison d'etre!"

Needless antagonism? You mean like, telling people what words they can and can't use?

to paraphrase a tad:

"I don't like the word rape, and you said the word rape, so now we all know that you're a horrible human."

Yeah, that's not at all antagonistic. They just want to get along. Really they do!

Saying the word rape, and actually raping someone isn't the same thing at all. No one gives a shit when someone says their team got murdered... is this just because it's really fucking hard to offend dead people? Or maybe murder isn't as bad as rape?
Posted by Overhamsteren on 2013-06-07 18:48:29
With the things fumbbl already ban then banning the word rape seems pretty natural.

Seems a bit weird saying "Persuasion is the only answer, enforcing doesn't seem to work." on a site that enforces lots of things.
Posted by koadah on 2013-06-07 19:10:31
What was it Harvestmouse was saying about swearing?

If that is OK now maybe we should all have a go. I know some good uns.
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2013-06-07 19:11:42
Have fun.
Posted by Seventyone on 2013-06-07 19:30:56
I like the idea of trying to avoid saying rape in the context of being diced as much as possible. It is different from being "murdered" as
1. Pixels do actually die in the game
2. By using murdered you are not unconsciously or consciously trivialising a massive issue in the world today: do you realise what the percentage of women who have had non consentual sex is?
3. By using murdered you are not consciously or otherwise excluding more than 50% of the worlds population who are far more likely to be raped than the other half

If you do use this phrase you are at best ignorant and definately offensive.
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2013-06-07 19:57:41
1. Pixels die? Give me a break. You might as well have added it's called BLOOD bowl as well. There is as much actual murder in BB as there is actual rape in BB. If you can't tell the difference between make believe and real life I can make you a diagram.

2. You seem to think that saying rape, and actually raping people is the same thing? Or that by saying it people are condoning it? Or that the word rape has the same meaning no matter the context it's said in? Trivializing? Using a word in a different context doesn't make the actual act of rape any less vile and reprehensible.

3. I'm sorry. I'll aim for a word that only a minority of the population can suffer from next time. But at least we know that murder is better than rape now. Thanks!

I'm glad to know that you are the arbiter of what is offensive. I'll refer all future questions to you!
Posted by licker on 2013-06-07 20:07:14
"Eh. You don't have to be politically correct to find something offensive, childish, or insensitive. "

No, but if you think it's your responsibility to force the person being offensive, childish or insensitive to change then you probably are a PC wank.

Lots of different people are offended by lots of different things. For example, I'm offended by the inability of PC wankers to get over themselves. Truly, it offends me that these people think they have some sort of moral prerogative to shape the world in a manner which appeals to them.

Not that I (usually) go out of my way to irritate them ;)
Posted by Synn on 2013-06-07 20:20:59
Rape and retard.

Two words that I use and honestly.... I wish I wouldn't.

It has become habit and yet I do find myself working to remove them from my vocabulary.

It isn't a matter of some politically correct argument either, but because I know it legitimately offends people who would suffer from either.

Posted by pythrr on 2013-06-07 21:27:19

(also, spoiler? I read this years ago)
Posted by koadah on 2013-06-07 21:50:45
@licker: Have you read the rules? Are you calling Christer a PM wank?

Do you yearn for the days when you could call a n***** a n*****?

Posted by Throweck on 2013-06-07 23:05:07
I have followed this all day and now, after a bottle and a half of wine, I think I know what I want to say.

Yes the word rape can be offensive in a certain context. The word rape in the context of 'dice rape' as far as I am concerned relates to this meaning of rape from the oxford English dictionary.

2 the wanton destruction or spoiling of a place (in this case the dice though they are not a place but you know what I mean)

The other meaning is clearly the forcefulness of .....,etc.

So yes it can be offensive in a certain context.


I do not believe anyone on this site ever goes out of their way to use the word to offend someone.

If you don't like it then ask the coach to stop politely, if they do not then quit the game and contact admin.

Now I am waffling...more wine needed...OK good to go.

Right, I have only been on the site for a few months but I haven't seen it used that often. I can't see it as a massive issue. If you are easily offended by people posting stuff that might offend then the internet really isn't for you.

The amount of idiots you come across in forums and stuff on other sites is incredible. FUMBBL, in my opinion, is by far the best community I have seen.

I will now close my post in the style of a 14 year old...

:) (smiley face)
Posted by Meltyman on 2013-06-07 23:48:18
This R word doesn't make me uncomfortable and it's hardly the most offensive thing to say to another in-game (any game), not to mention it isn't even directed to the opponent per se. Still it seems to have a bad ring to it and i only wonder why I've used it, so why not just invent a new one!

These questions raise on my head when i play games where i see people spamming nasty stuff for sport (non-fumbbl). At least in games where you need to have teamwork that kind-of behavior leads to bad results/feelings and i would like to grasp a way to go away from this "you noob i hope you get cancer"-type of attitude.

I have been reading another gaming forum and it had a profanity filter that replaced all curse words with 'kitten' and actually it turned the conversation upside down from hostile to well.. tolerable.

If only that filter would be in every game... and site?

Posted by Seventyone on 2013-06-07 23:53:23
Maybe I was a bit sanctimonious earlier but we all have a choice don't we? Do we really lose much by not using rape in that context?
Posted by keggiemckill on 2013-06-07 23:56:11
I think the word Rape only offends people who have been ot known someonewhom was raped. I say get over this red wedding thing. Wait until you see that joffrey dies in next episode. It will blow your socks off. Now start reading the books or I will ruin the series for you!
Posted by Nightbird on 2013-06-08 00:20:11
"You can say whatever you like Fouly as long as you can deal with the reaction.

Then, I guess your little gang of good ole boys will remain just that."

Firstly, Fouly sir, I'd like to join your gang of good ol' boys please!

The one thing I've read here that means anything is that 'context is everything' & I'll go further & say your 'audience is also everything'. Any mildly intelligent & mature person knows the time & place they can talk 'dirty' & not offend anyone. Stiffen-up people, the world, & especially the internet, can be a mean & nasty place, but free-speech has two-sides so stop trying to cram your own views on others as that is the real problem. If you don't like it, don't read, listen or watch it. Simple. Walk-away. You always have a choice, but by opening your mouth & forcing YOUR views on others you are just as bad to them as they are to you!

Oh, & just for the record, I don't use the term, but instead say 'diced' or 'dicing' & honestly don't normally care for crude humor. But if it's for you great, because that is your right, but understand there can be consequences w/ the PC police (woo-ooh-woo-ooh) if you fail to understand your audience & context of presentation in this oh so modern world of ours (heavy sarcasm intended).

Rated 1 because I believe in freedom of speech!
Posted by Arktoris on 2013-06-08 02:52:44
we're all guys here. I don't see a problem with the term.
Posted by Woodstock on 2013-06-08 05:01:19
even if we werent, any smart person would understand it... Sounds like some people need to get the sand out of their vaginas... Or is that crossing the line as well..
Posted by pythrr on 2013-06-08 06:05:38
people who use the term rape are retards.

riddle me that
Posted by koadah on 2013-06-08 12:11:55
@Nightbird: "but free-speech has two-sides"

Right. So if people don't like what you are saying they have the right to say so.
Posted by Severedunit on 2013-06-08 20:51:58
I'll end this conversation by suggesting that everyone stop having incredibly lucky/unlucky dice in our games. The the term would simply disappear. Rated 6 because I think I'm funny.
Posted by PaddyMick on 2013-06-08 21:26:01
Political correctness is a good thing

Posted by Calcium on 2013-06-09 15:52:11
2nd epic blog after a few days off :)