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Last seen 6 weeks ago
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2022-05-30 09:23:47
rating 5.4


2018-04-01 23:18:46
rating 5.8


2017-03-26 17:55:27
rating 5.8
2017-03-17 09:55:33
rating 6
2017-03-08 09:05:23
rating 6
2017-01-06 02:47:18
rating 6
2017-01-05 10:02:25
rating 6


2016-12-17 10:48:43
rating 5.7
2016-12-06 13:36:22
rating 5.8
2016-09-03 18:57:28
rating 5.8
2016-05-18 18:59:49
rating 3.9
2016-05-09 18:06:34
rating 5
2016-04-24 01:05:59
rating 5.3
2016-04-11 20:55:05
rating 5.8
2016-04-11 20:55:05
33 votes, rating 5.8
I finally understand you Fumbbl!
Despite my account saying I joined in November last year I only recently really got into Fumbbl. Now because of this I think it it time for me to write a short blog and just say hello to everyone.

So here is how I got here and why I am so happy today :)

Last year I got BB2 for my birthday last year (this also happened to be the release day). Naturally I got into the hype having never played Blood Bowl before and after a small struggle managed to complete the campaign. I have to say I absolutely loved it and think it is a fantastic game for the campaign alone, it looks sooo nice. So at this point I typed in multiplayer into google knowing I would need some tips before starting or I would get creamed in every game I played. What I found was the Fumbbl current games list.

I assumed this list was all the BB2 multiplayer games and thought this looks cool, games happening all the time and enough people online I should make an account and get started. Soo thinking I was making a BB2 account I made a Fumbbl one!

So I made my first team. Ogres of course, found a game and jumped in. Now the strange java client popped up and I was confused by this weird sideways thing but I persisted. I realised at this point I had the wrong game, however, this was not a problem for me as I had just found a way to play Blood Bowl on my laptop when my GF is using my gaming PC for other things. So my fumbbl career began.

I played about 40 ogre games and made an awefully built team, but they did all have block! I never won a single one...

But I didn't care. At no point in my life did I play games to win. If I lose in games Karma means I will win with the rest of the stuff in my life that matters more. I messed about with a few other teams too and was messaged by a few coaches with advice about how to improve and I persisted for about 1 month. No other community had ever gone out their way to help me before so I was a bit sucked into this one as these players seemed especially nice.

Well after this month trial I went back to the world of Steam games for a bit and left fumbbl alone. After xmas I have no idea why but I saw it in my bookmarks and began reading forum posts and blogs and the Blood Bowl fever came back.

So the reason I wrote this today... I now realise what I like about Fumbbl. It's not the games is actually all the other stuff!

I found out about groups and started working in the ARR with a couple of halfling teams. (Me and my GF like to watch them fly!) This was the first time I had go involved in something different and it was amazing. Although I didn't ever think I could win I was driven to try and beat other people in the box instead of just playing ranked games for spp.

Then I met jdmickleburgh and found a kindred spirit who loves to play random teams for the fun of it. I noticed he was in The League of Linemen and I was immediately hooked. I managed to join to season a couple of days late and have been absolutely loving it. The slow team progression is so much nicer and I am having a fantastic time.

Now this lead onto the final thing. I decided I should attempt some BB code and smarten up some of my team pages. I have just started 2 new box teams (Lizards and Vamps) and have been making them a backstory and a proper team page. This has been the icing on the cake for me. I have found that generally people have been happier when playing me as they always enjoy the read before the match and every game I have played with the vamps has been great fun. It feels so much better to have a fleshed out team story and makes the game comments during the game much funnier. I know realise that this is what makes me want to keep coming back to Fumbbl!

Thanks if managed to read all the way down here. I just felt like I needed to write this down, especially for any new coaches out there. I am still not a particularly great coach but I have fun every game.

So to the new coaches don't just play ranked all day. Join a league, group, visit the forums or fill out that team page! These last few days writing my vamps bio has been awesome and it has made all the games so much better. Every coach I have played recently has been fantastic to play against and I think the team page has really helped.

Thanks everyone for playing me and giving me so much fun in my free time. I hope you enjoy playing against me to.
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Posted by Timetis on 2016-04-11 21:05:47
'Vampire' team? : p

Posted by pythrr on 2016-04-11 21:17:46
"So the reason I wrote this today... I now realise what I like about Fumbbl. It's not the games is actually all the other stuff!"

Aw, another fan. Welcome sir, and enjoy me!
Posted by Bloodfeast on 2016-04-11 21:18:45
Welcome! :)
Posted by Dominik on 2016-04-11 21:57:21
Cool story but what is a "GF"?
Posted by deyempe on 2016-04-11 22:03:14
Peas in a pod.

Welcome bro!
Posted by thoralf on 2016-04-11 22:10:56
The LOL is a very good to learn proper BB manners.

Here, Dom:

Posted by Verminardo on 2016-04-11 22:22:53
Gamefinder isn't it?
Posted by Endzone on 2016-04-11 22:32:18
Giant Ferret?
Posted by thoralf on 2016-04-11 22:52:53
If the Game Finder can use my PC for other things, Spiro was right.
Posted by the_Sage on 2016-04-12 00:45:08
Nice story, thanks for it! And yes, everything around the matches help make fumbbl what it is.
Posted by fidius on 2016-04-12 01:12:26
lol @thoralf

Welcome to the addiction! Illegitimi non carborundum!
Posted by harvestmouse on 2016-04-12 01:30:24
I winced when I read 'finally', but it was a pretty interesting and easy read. Really interesting that you thought you were playing BB2, right up to the client loading. I wonder if that's happened to anybody else.

The Dominik comment is either pretty funny (if you can see a light side to the recent trauma) or very Dominik. I chuckled a little anyway.
Posted by Meanandugl on 2016-04-12 12:12:03
Nice read, welcome!
Posted by grunth on 2016-04-12 13:42:25
cool guy, cool blog... Rating 6 both of you ;D
Posted by DeZigma on 2016-04-12 23:00:07
Yeah, remember myself ... recognising there is something ike BBCode ...
Weeks of fun...tons of ideas...but unfortunatly not enough time to do all this stuff...

and yes ... the best thing on fumbble are the leagues ...