This may sound a bit random to those of you that don't really enjoy making lots of fluff for your teams so feel free to downvote if you are not interested.
I am currently working on
The Mighty Mootlings bio. I am improving my graphics work and hoping to make some animated gifs for the page. My thought is a scrolling bar at the top of the 'matches' section showing recent and future matches.
I am hoping to make something like this (may need to wait for approval):
The idea is that the matches will scroll across the bar at the top of the page.
My question to you all is. I need some team logos to add as opponents. Would any of you mind my using the logos for your teams?
If anyone has a box team and wouldn't mind me to add their logo please could you post in the comments. I like the idea of the team logo actually being real teams.
(Detailed logos could be difficult as the maximum height is 68px.)