Posted by DrDiscoStu on 2009-09-26 05:07:59
With stunty it makes to pushing sidestepping-dt'ers out of the way a bit easier, if you have to. but with BT you will be dodging on a 4+ anyway (hopefully with a reroll) and I just love giving my +st saurus the ball for this reason (3+).
I've always felt scoring in this way is a bit overrated, there is a time and a place but a lot of coaches do it all the time because they're attracted to the spp's.
Good post though, the more lizzy discussion the better!
PS. Anyone reading this might be interested in my blog all about lizardmen skills, I go into the idea of a 'scoring saurus' a bit more.
Posted by BroadAsImLong on 2009-09-26 14:02:43
considering the amount of tactical discussion in blogs, i feel imho that this blog should be higher rated. i guess there are ppl who are too cool for school here.