As I said in jdmickleburgh's blog I was gonna steal here it is:
1. Raise my win % with High Elves above 50% in the box. Currently I sit at 45% so this is hopefully doable, however probably out of MY reach!
2. Win a RRR, Smack and a Brawl. I have never won any of these so this is shooting high! Really high considering I mostly get busted in the first round.
3. Enter 5 majors this year. Should be easy enough, I think all my bad luck has to be behind me..... fingers crossed.
4. A top 3 finish in an ARR sprint and a top 3 finish in an E.L.F. season!! Maybe both with one team??
5. Finish with a racial first with my Slann in an ARR Sprint!!!
Overall lets get ARR on! Looking forward to 2016!
Posted by BillBrasky on 2015-12-30 07:53:41
Go big, or go home!
Posted by Beanchilla on 2015-12-30 11:17:19
Damn! Those are some beastly goals. Godspeed Nerdbird!