Posted by Cavetroll on 2014-09-17 21:28:08
I had a Sega Genesis and that game (MLF) in college/military. It was a ton of fun back then, though I remember it being more of a real time game.
Of the games you mentioned, the only one I am familiar with is Shadowrun but it was good.
Posted by keggiemckill on 2014-09-17 21:44:14
I played that game a ton back in the day.
Posted by dynamo380 on 2014-09-17 21:55:54
They are trying to bring it back, im sure i saw a kickstarter for an updated pc version somewhere
Posted by Sionis on 2014-09-17 21:59:38
I did see that Kickstarter, but sadly I don't believe they hit goal. :/
Posted by PainState on 2014-09-17 22:12:54
Mutant league Hockey also rocks!!!!!!
Posted by Kryten on 2014-09-17 22:21:46
+1 for Mutant League Hockey, IMO that was an even better game.
Posted by Cavetroll on 2014-09-17 22:26:12
Why has no one made a Blood Bowl version of hockey yet? C'mon Kickstarter!
Posted by Nightbird on 2014-09-17 22:59:03
That game was AWESOME!!!
YOu get a 6'er for reminding me of that game!
Posted by Overhamsteren on 2014-09-17 23:17:21
Slaycity Slayers!!!
Posted by coombz on 2014-09-17 23:40:02
great game :) I still fire it up occasionally (and Mutant League Hockey!) on the Mega Drive emu on my Nintendo DS
also there is an emulator you can run on your PC which will allow peer2peer networking with other dudes on the interwebs and you can play TWO PLAYER MUTANT LEAGUE FOOTBALL
Posted by PainState on 2014-09-17 23:48:50
Here is my Sega Genesis story:
I was in college at Texas Tech, it was 1990. Genesis was just hitting the market. Sega did a national college tour to promo and they gave out free Sega's.
I finished in the top 5 of their tournament and won a free one.
To this day I still have it up and running 24 years later upstairs and my twin boys love it!!!!!!
So, I have a first gen Sega genesis system with a cool back story.
Side note: it took 6 weeks to ship from Japan to Lubbock Texas.
Posted by Throweck on 2014-09-17 23:56:14
Yeah good game!!
Made me want to look for this...
Anyone remember 'Brutal Sports'? (This was on the amiga)
Posted by xnoelx on 2014-09-18 00:05:02
You can play a load of Megadrive games in your browser at, including MLF. That was the first game I looked for when I found the site. It's slightly odd playing with keys rather than a joypad, but definitely worth a look.
Posted by coombz on 2014-09-18 00:18:17
in this day and age i don't know why you wouldn't have a joypad to use with your PC!
actually, that sounds kind of harsh and elitist and I suppose the majority of FUMBBL users don't do much gaming other than Blood Bowl, which is cool
but yeah, trust me. gamepad for PC = good. there are lots of great games out there friends.
Posted by mrt1212 on 2014-09-18 00:58:19
To follow up coombz, google search motion joy drivers so you can use any recent console gamepad.
My best man playtested mutant league as a kid. His dad worked at ea and kids need some summer activities, so it was a perfect fit
Posted by Zed on 2014-09-18 02:07:26
pit fighter didn't age very well, terrible smash buttons type of game, would go for shadowrun who's still a very solid classic rpg game. If you like run and gun games try to check the underrated "Alien Soldier" from the creators of "Gunstar Heroes", almost only boss battles it's a blast -)
Posted by Gadfly on 2014-09-18 04:00:18
If you can find it, a game called "PigSkin".
I've still got my copy & it's One of my all time favourite games for the mega drive.
It's a 1 or 2 player game of Caveman football. You can use weapons to stab/hack your opponents, there's things like traps & obstacles on the field. It's just a fast paced, violent, football game. Where the ball only matters half the time.
Posted by Gadfly on 2014-09-18 04:38:17
Also, "Golden Axe", "Ghouls & Ghosts", maybe "Streets of Rage" & maybe "Road Rash".
Posted by harvestmouse on 2014-09-18 07:48:26
Yeah I liked MLF, but it's a bit easy. The music is great though. Shadowrun is good, but very long winded, I haven't finished it.....yet. I didn't know it was on the Sega machine though!
Some of the roleplaying games are ok; I liked the tactics games Shining Force. Golden Axe, Streets of Rage and Road Rash are all cool. I also liked the fighting game 'Fatal Fury'. It had some nice characters.
Micro Machines 2 with the 4 controllers is also really really good fun.
Posted by PaddyMick on 2014-09-18 12:58:33
Thanks for all the comments. Yeah I agree it can be easy and somewhat repetitive, but you can play with worse teams vs good teams for more of a challenge. The 2 player mode is really fun too. I'm going to end up spending a fortune on ebay! Going to have to get to a few car boot sales and markets.
Emulators on the PC? Not the same imo!