Not for me but maybe for
Swear Box. I'm raising the stakes: if they win, i'll keep them and enter the next Major with them if they qualify. Lose and they get retired. Draw and they go on the shelf for a year.
Thanks to all who contributed to a very fun fundraiser. There's still a chance to take part. Take a look at
This Thread and post there to join the action. There are currently 3 spots left and i'm taking prop bets.
Here's the agenda for the finale:
Friday 26th February
About 21:00 server time: Team Coach starts drinking
23:00 Activation in Box for the last game in the funraiser
Straight after game: draw on discord to see who's won the beer
Later on: Team Coach passes out drunk leaving a spectator to write the match report.
Get involved, or just bring rocks. For every new spectator that joins the game, however breifly, I will tell one lame joke in chat. I will also be applying the GOLDEN RULE of ABC: Always Blitz with Chainsaw