Posted by DrDiscoStu on 2016-11-06 02:08:14
find something you actually enjoy, otherwise you likely won't stick to it
Posted by Naru1981 on 2016-11-06 02:49:49
Real life Bloodbowl? That'll keep you fit
Posted by Jim_Fear on 2016-11-06 04:09:53
Diet is of key importance. You need to watch what you are eating, especially sugars, soft drinks, and nutritionally poor foods. For most people, putting together a meal plan, spending a Sunday preparing food for the week(so you are not going out spending money on "fast food") and sticking to said meal plan is more challenging than the exercise part.
When it come to exercise, 30-minutes of moderate to strenuous cardio can burn ~500 calories. Do that three to four times a week, coupled with monitoring your diet, and you will see significant changes in four weeks. If you can add in strength training in addition to the cardiovascular exercise, the results will be even more dramatic.
You will need to experiment with your amount of time spent doing cardio and strength training to find the right fit for you, and after that, figure out what you need to consume daily. There are plenty of free calorie and exercise apps on the internet which can assist you.
Lastly, if you have some motivational music you really enjoy, that can make or break cardio.
Posted by Lorebass on 2016-11-06 04:25:17
Jim, while you are %100 correct your post probably gave Pete a heart attack.
Way beck when I used to even lift... brah. Not to look a high school football coach but so that I could easily keep my weight healthy and still feel confident when i dress in Drag for Halloween.
If your up for it I was once an athletics trainer and can set up a pretty easy couple of tasks you can include your kids in, plus the obvious of no ice cream(Unless Haggen Das). I used to eat like a moron and still kept up Light Cruiser weight.
Posted by fidius on 2016-11-06 04:51:32
The low-carb plans really work for me: Atkins, or read Protein Power by Drs. Michael and Mary Dan Eades
Posted by The_Murker on 2016-11-06 06:23:23
+1 to fidius
Remove bread and pasta from your diet all together.
Don't drink calories
Sugar is a treat. Treat it like one.
Saturated animal fats were never the enemy.
Intermediate Fasting.. look it up, and experiment with eating VERY well, infrequently.
Realize the final goal from the beginning. You need to find a way to eat that you can enjoy, that let's you look and feel the way you want to look and feel. A permanent change. If you hate the diet, you will stop it a regain any losses. So don't waste time with a diet you hate.
Paleo-ish is the way for more and more people to find and maintain a natural weight.
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2016-11-06 10:18:46
I wish I could have rated this higher than a 6! I actually lol'd :D
Posted by The_Carthaginian on 2016-11-06 10:26:20
Hatha yoga. Great as a standalone workout, or as a rest day activity. Stretches and tones all the stuff a standard gym/weights workout won't reach, and has tons of mental and cardiovascular benefits, too. P90X has a surprisingly good, authentic routine.
Posted by StanRichardson on 2016-11-06 10:43:11
Pete in brace the moons. They are a badge of honour representing the hour's spent playing fumbbl.
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2016-11-06 11:04:01
Holy shit, PeteW, you're getying some truly horrible diet advice. Don't listen to these guys.
Posted by akaRenton on 2016-11-06 11:39:03
Just eat in moderation. The word diet has become misleading, you don't need extremes just cut down on the snacky bits if that's your poison.
As for excercise, start gentle. Half hour to hour walk a day can do wonders, then do something like swimming once or twice a week.
I lost 3 stone doing this, and it really wasn't that hard.
Posted by the_Sage on 2016-11-06 12:01:49
The simplest basics hold true: to lose weight you can either lower your caloric input (dieting) or increase your caloric output (exercise).
Note that actual weight loss (in kg) may appear lower from exercise than the improvements to your physique, due to an increase in muscle tissue.
For sports, find something you enjoy. I've recently gotten back into playing squash a lot, for instance, and it's a very enjoyable game and a fun way to spend time with friends. Having a form of exercise that doesn't feel like work helps a lot for me.
A lot of these diet things are hyped and poorly supported by empirical research. Fad of the day type things. The overall relevant factor in terms of diet is limiting your caloric intake. While that sounds pretty simple, what complicates it is the effect foods have on your food craving. Sugars tend to be less satiating, and by causing shorter spikes in your blood glucose, they tend to trigger more eating. Fatty foods, while also full of calories, tend to leave you full for longer, and cause less glucose ups and downs.
I think one of the easiest bits of advice (also mentioned above) is:
"don't drink calories". Drinks like non-diet sodas or fruit juice have a ton of sugar in them, while not sating your Omnonoms. Sticking to water, coffee, and tea (no sugar, obvs) can help a ton. Not drinking beer would help, but I've never botered with that (if a diet feels like it's restricting your pleasure in living, chances are it won't last anyway).
The one thing that worked well for me for quite some time was:
-Eat 3 meals a day. Eat whatever you want for those (though, for reasons mentioned above, you're probably better off with fried eggs and bacon than you are with pancakes and syrup).
-No caloric drinks
-Limit snacks to low-caloric veggies and such(carrots, cucumber, peppers, tomatoes, that kind of thing). This is just to put something in your belly until the next meal. You could also allow fruits; while these contain sugar (which is no healthier than the refined kind), you're also not going to eat stupid amounts of it. You will not suddenly eat 10 apples where you might have otherwise eaten a single snickers bar.
A last note: don't listen to fearmongering facebook moms bitching about aspartame (though feel free to do your own actual research; look for peer-reviewed publications, and particularly meta-analyses).
In short: yes, it's a chemical. Yes, it'll do things in your body when consumed in absurd amounts. The same goes for everything that's organic and farm-grown.
Even if it were occasionally linked to some health risks in lab animals (this is very inconclusive, and knowing the nature of individual scientific studies, no reason for alarm), remember that it doesn't need to be 100% healthy (nothing is). It just needs to be better for you than similar quantities of sugar (and it is, by a mile).
Posted by Russo on 2016-11-06 13:10:55
Keep the Boobies Pete!!!!!!
Posted by Uedder on 2016-11-06 17:11:28
Best exercise is what Pantera said: WALK!
Posted by The_Murker on 2016-11-06 19:36:38
Mega agree. Forgot that massive bit. WALKING is all you need for exercise. If you aren't walking, you aren't doing what your body has evolved to do. A lack of walking is unnatural and unhealthy.
Posted by PeteW on 2016-11-06 19:54:52
Overwhelmed by the response guys! Thanks for the tips.
My diet is fine ; I eat sensibly and don't consume much sugar etc.
I do enough exercise, cycling, swimming twice a week, but can't shake the moobs!
I know Stan and Russo love them, but they have to go!
Press ups? What do I need?
Big love.
Posted by Uedder on 2016-11-06 20:42:24
Then you gotta do what angelina did. No other way.
Posted by The_Murker on 2016-11-07 04:37:16
If the body part you dislike is made of fat, I think you know that fat reduction is the only way to address the situration.
Increasing the size of your chest and shoulders via heavy-ish weights might alter your appearance by stretching the skin and fat across a larger area, but probablly won't have too much of an effect. If a weight room isn't available, elevate your feet as many stairs as you can to increase the amount of body weight on your chest, shoulders, and arms when doing push-ups. Make sure your joints are good and warmed up before doing your heaviest sets by starting with small sets of UNelevated 1/4 pushups, 1/3 push-ups, and half-push-ups. Do as many sets of 'elevated push-ups' as you care to 2 or 3 times a week. But to gain real muscle you need to eat well and take in excess calories, which isn't condusive to moob-reduction.
With respect, if you have excess fat you don't like than your diet isn't 'fine' or 'sensible.' It has led to your excess fat. It might very well seem 'reasonable' or 'above average' when compared to a standard North American diet of pure crap, but you need a very above average attack plan to have real results. The 'average' person fails miserably at long term body and health transformation.
Low fat diets eventually fail. Don't waste any time with those. The body needs the essential fatty acids, and it also needs to be able to absorb several important fat soluable vitamins. Without enough, you feel crap and quit.
Challenge - Eat as much of the following foods as you want. You could NOT weight anything less than your ideal weight if you ate only the following things for 6 months.
Bacon, eggs, butter, UN-battered fish, leafy green vegtables and other low sugar salad ingredients (ie. NOT carrots), olive oil and low calorie salad dressings like lemon juice, white wine vinegar, etc. beef, chicken, liver, bacon, black coffee, black tea, and bacon.
These foods provide GREAT nutrition, they can be made to taste 'pretty good' with some effort, but a person just can't be motivated enough or hungry enough to over-eat these things. You would rather go without eating than over-eat these things.
It might seem counter-intuitive, but it's true. People can laugh, or they could try it. Even for one week. You won't over-eat and you will lose some weight in just a week. Once your body re-learns to burn fat as it's primary fuel source without sending 'low-blood sugar death signals' to your brain, you will start seamlessly burning your own fat stores between meals, like your ancestors did for thousands of years.
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2016-11-07 08:01:48
And then you'll die of a heart attack. Great advice there Murker.
Posted by Russo on 2016-11-07 08:18:23
Anyone else think it's amusing that Udder posted on this blog?
/sorry Uedder
Posted by Strider84 on 2016-11-07 15:55:50
What thesage said plus just do pushups in your opponents turns. Especially in live tourneys :-))
Posted by Arktoris on 2016-11-08 03:22:20
Atkins diet
Posted by Arktoris on 2016-11-08 03:28:50
MR Foulscumm, fat in your diet is not the same thing as fat in your blood.
excess fat in your blood comes from carbs, because those are water soluble and therefore your body can't regulate into your bloodstream like fat (which isn't water soluble and therefore only gets into your blood when your body wants it).
sugar in your blood then goes down the glycolysis pathway to Krebs cycle and produces CO2 and ATP. But if you're not doing lots of exercise, you don't need the ATP and therefore it back up (gluconeogenesis) into sugar. To get rid of the dangerously high level of sugar, the liver turns it into fat which is then tossed into the blood to be sent for storage.
that's how excess fat gets into your blood to cause heart problems.
Posted by garyt1 on 2016-11-12 08:11:43
Bacon is a very strange food to suggest to someone looking to lose weight. Ok Atkins type diets may work for some in the short term but there can be side effects such as liver issues.
I think simply being stricter on the high calorie food/drink items and spend a bit longer on exercise is the way. You have to lose body fat as a whole. As with the belly this chest area can be tough. Tough fact is it simply becomes tougher with age, though it is worth keeping up the effort.