Posted by Bill_Vestergaard on 2009-11-02 13:27:54
you need to add up the numbers. I'm too lazy to do it myself :D else I still don't know how many forum users that is needed to repace a lightbulb :D
Posted by freak_in_a_frock on 2009-11-02 13:42:33
You forgot '4 telling you where you can get a free PS3 from', and '2 asking if you are happy with your penis size'.
Posted by Wreckage on 2009-11-02 14:01:59
...are posts persons too?
Posted by PurpleChest on 2009-11-02 15:17:08
sure at leats 5 saying that the subjct of lighhtbulb changing has been argued about before , and definitvely resolved, without posting links to prior threads.
Posted by Synn on 2009-11-02 17:18:54
You win 1000 internets sir!
Posted by DeMoorck on 2009-11-02 19:32:32
Huzzahs are due. Good show, sir.
Posted by Wreckage on 2009-11-02 22:55:35
I still have the same problem like Freak In a Frock. How many people were it in the end?
Posted by Deej84 on 2009-11-02 23:12:10
I don't think the answer matters. It's just showing what usually happens in any forum as I'm sure you all know. Off topic bull **** that starts with one stupid post.
Posted by DonTomaso on 2009-11-02 23:45:23
How many will think that the lightbulb is fake?
Posted by Deathmoore on 2009-11-02 23:57:51
There's the 10 people who will recognize that the lightbulb has been changed, but complain that the new bulb is worse than the old one.
What about the 5 trolls and the 375 posts that feed them, along with the 20 people who quote the moderator's warning and then complain that the moderator did not adress the main concerns in the thread?
At least 3 to argue that lightbulbs are stupid, and that we should all use candles instead, restarting the postcounts yet again!
Oh, and 1 to complain that matches cause forest fires, because one of the inevitable candle experts uses matches to light his/her candles.
Posted by paulhicks on 2009-11-03 00:08:58
Did i miss something or are we missing "124 to call each other 'lightbulb noobs'", "56 to tell everyone else to 'read the lightbulb manual'" and finaly: "1 smartarse to point out you missed some options" ;P
Posted by JoeKano on 2009-11-03 01:40:59