Posted by PeteW on 2011-05-16 21:23:27
Good to hear.
I'll be buying them when they are on DVD/Bluray box set.
Posted by Garion on 2011-05-16 21:31:17
I did a blog on it a while back. Its getting there. wasnt sure at first but its getting better each episode. Have you read the books they are awesome :)
Posted by koadah on 2011-05-16 21:33:02
Go Arya!
Stick em with the pointy end.
Posted by DukeTyrion on 2011-05-16 21:43:12
I am so annoyed that it's not available on Virgin Cable :-(
I have read the books (mainly because people kept thinking I was named after one of the characters) and was really looking forward to it.
BTW, after the delays with all the books, do people think the book series will ever get completed?
Posted by anisdrin on 2011-05-16 21:54:31
Good, but too much explicit violence and sex.
Have you noticed how they can decapitate a nightwatch deserter and instead they don't show when the wolf is killed !!
It's curious how this things work...
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2011-05-16 22:07:29
but DukeTyrion you can download all the episodes in HD from Piratebay
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2011-05-16 22:08:05
also there is no such thing as too much explicit violence and sex !
Posted by zakatan on 2011-05-16 22:12:01
books are still way better than the series, but i'm liking it quite a lot so far
Posted by Garion on 2011-05-16 22:44:50
no they will never finish the series. I will be suprised if they make it past the second series. For reasons only those that have read the books will guess what Im talking about.
Posted by PurpleChest on 2011-05-16 23:34:26
im enjoying it a great deal.
Posted by Colin on 2011-05-17 00:16:16
I am required to enjoy it as it was filmed on location right here in N.Ireland! Most of the castle locations are ours, though Eire and Scotland contributed too.
The soundstage is very close to a former workplace of mine (an accursed bank).
Fortunately, it is rather good, with excellent ensemble cast.
I was recommended the books many moons ago, but never got around to reading them. Maybe I will now...
Posted by danielcollins on 2011-05-17 00:39:46
yeah it's pretty awesome
Posted by Overhamsteren on 2011-05-17 08:57:41
Very good so far indeed.
Liked the logic in the last episode; "we really don't want that dude attacking us lets kill his newly wed pregnant wife" lets see how that works out. :D
Posted by Wreckage on 2011-05-17 08:58:24
This must be like the seventh entry I see about this series.
I dunno really what to think of it. Picture is good, acting is good, story line seems like it could be intreguing but really hard to get the head around all the charakters. All a bit confusing. The first episode I watched completely without the smallest clue what was going on.
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2011-05-17 09:59:26
It's very nice but when is something going to happen ??!!!?!
Posted by Burnalot on 2011-05-17 13:40:53
Jimmy: I was thinking the same the last 5 episodes. Cool stuff though.
Posted by maznaz on 2011-05-17 14:04:15
I am a huge fan of the books and I'm really impressed that they're staying so faithful to them. It really does take a long time to start to develop so many concurrent plots but in the meantime just enjoy the characterisation and scene setting. The plots will take care of themselves if you've got the patience to follow them through.
Posted by Ehlers on 2011-05-17 15:41:02
But is this serie not more for the book fans than for new people to the serie? Like Wreckage and JimmyFantastic point out. They dont know what is happening and when action is going to take place. Comparing the 5eps to the stage in book, I had a much better feeling of what was going on and better understanding of the plots etc.
While I think it is good, but that is because I know what happened between the scenes we dont see. It just seems like:
The book is awesome! + Crazy fan base = possible big revenue stream
HBO jump in know for the quality.
Fans get satisfied, but I just wonder for how long non-fans will keep watching it?
Posted by djutog on 2011-05-17 19:19:10
second season is already ordered.
i love it but can imagine that those who didn't read the book have a hard time following things.
a lot of things happens, a small boy got throwed out of a window, a brother is **** his sister etc...
Posted by peikko on 2011-05-17 20:14:22
Havent read the books, imho the serie has way too much goin on. But have to mention another new serie that is superb and ppl should check it out: Borgias.