And what a slaughtering have these rats copped, Coach Tatters praises the death of the Heretic, Brall shatterknee after his atrocious strength scandal. Jeffery, the first Rat to be blessed by the horned rat has also left us, he will be missed, but everyone is happy he achieved his goal. Agony Manyarms also left the pitch via means of a stretcher after a game against the Amazon's this morning.
Argh, keeping to this is harder then it looks. The game against Norse where two players died (A rat ogre, 6400 pixels, and a runner 784 pixels) was really quite uninteresting, but I was sure that it would get better, instead amazons killed a skilled thrower (another 784 pixels) and from both of those games I got a massive 60k Total (that's not even enough to buy a new thrower...) To add a further degree of pain to my broken pixel love, Conkave Spine is M,N, while face smasher is M-ST. Still I will prevail, I just hope the next team to challenge me is a beat up FF57 elf team. Also if I can manage to get a full team (not likely at the moment) The lacerators will be in the Ratsistance. Hope to see you all there.
Oh, and on a whiny note, why do the Linerats last longer then positional?
Posted by fly on 2009-04-11 04:53:55
i sure have one or another team with about 8 players so you can get a bit of recovery. just gimme a sign :)