GutRippers have finally reached ten games, and what a ten games it has been! Two deaths, four -Mv, two - AG and a -ST. On the upside, however, they have recently gained a +Mv Goblin and a +St Ratman.
I am liking the Underworld team far more than I anticipated. I loved the concept from the begining, but didn't think I could make much of them (And with 2/0/8, I probably can't) No matter how fun it seemed, I just couldn't see it working, but I tried it on anyway. They aren't as bad as I first though, though.
Goblins are amazing! sure, they are weaker and slower than all of the team, but dodge-stunty is a nice combo to have off the bat, and when you are running low on players, a dodge loner is a real life saver. You could almost make do with having no Skills on them at all. The one skill I have managed to get for them is Two heads, and it just brings the little bugger into a league of his own. While he is slower than the rest of the team, 2+ dodges wherever he feels like lets him take advantage of sloppy placement, or just recovering the ball in a tight spot!
The Troll is a nice buff, I never found much use for a Rat Ogre, and while the Troll doesn't have Frenzy and is slower, slapping tents on him and letting him take a hold of any pesky receivers or runners makes him far more worth while.
The Throwers are an odd peice. It's hard to use pass effectively as the rats are fairly fast; out of the five throwers I've had, I've only made a mere 5 completetions. Sure hands is always welcome, and I suppose with a little more practice I could make an effective Throwing game (Hell, getting two Throwers onto the feild and giving one catch wouldn't go astray) I would like to use Hail Mary on these guys though. Underworld are just too manouverable not to!
So, get out there, make an Underworld team and have a good time!