Does the rule of five applies to Khemries? Yes. But don't call me minmaxer, just keep reading.
Basically, the rule of five means, that some players on you team should be protected and you should not allow them to get hit/blitzed
without a good cause, and the number of such players is five or less. On Khemries offense, this rule becomes "the rule of one" - you have to protect the player with a ball no matter what.
So, let's talk about Khemries defense.
A few things you should know:
1) I talk about BlackBox, CLPOMB heavy environment
2) I often choose
Kick first against CLPOMB teams
3) I play with single Thro-Ra, and I keep him on the bench in the defense
What five players should we protect on defense?
2x Blitz-Ra.
1x DP skelly. Yes. You read it right. Keep the foul threat at least for a few turns.
2x TG.
But... Does this means, that 2 TG will not be protected? Yes. The sad truth is, you cannot have all 4 TG developed (3+ skills) in the Box team. At least for a substantial period of time.
Rule of five leads to the interesting conclusion. Khemries team should aim to have 2 developed "offensive" TGs (top priority skills: mighty blow, block, break tackle... +STR), and 2 "meat shield" TGs (guard, and mighty blow if they survive long enough).