Blood Bowl Lesson 7:The passl
Tantvalacruche, thrower of the skaven M team, teach new recuits about what they have to wear...
"Ok, that protect you less than a helmet, but what do you prefer: risk a fractured skull due to an opponent block, or be killed by your own team cause you missed your pass ? "
Blood Bowl Lesson 8: Tackle
Bob No Limit, chaos dwarf blocker of the Lucky Grass Eaters, explain a fine idea he just have...
"With that, elves will no longer laugh at us ! Hurg Hurg Hurg !"
Blood Bowl Lesson 9: Ball Control
Corbeau, chaos birdman of the Ultimate Chaos Piaf Team, Chaos Team, explain to his team mates...
"Yep guys ! like an egg !!"
Blood Bowl Lesson 10: Foul Appearance
Ventoline, rotter of the Struggle for Nurgle team, teach his team mates about how stop a blitz...
"Ok, the wardancer rush to you, and just as he's gonna block you, put your hands like this and say BOOOO!"
Blood Bowl Lesson 11: Wild Animal
Vachette, Minos of the Lucky Grass eaters, chaos dwarves team, teach new recruits about how she manage the rage...
"If you don't want to finish as a piece of meat, never forget to take one or two of this before the match !"
Blood Bowl Lesson 12: Go for it
Bijou, ratogre of the M team shout on his team mates...
"How much time i have to say: don't forgot anything sticky on the ground !"