Blood Bowl Lesson 13: After match sequence
Fokker, treeman of the Grand'ma's Flying Circus, tell to his team mates what he think about skills......
"Block or not Block ? Yep, that is the question... Jump Up is good too... Hey ! Raoul ! Give me the same ! "
Blood Bowl Lesson 14: Survive
Grand'Ma, leader of the Grand'Ma's Flying Circus teach about half survive...
"Okay rookies. Maybe two of you will survive to see your hundred match... But look at me... It's possible ! "
Blood Bowl Lesson 15: Big Guy
Dodo, postulant to the post of mino in the Ultimate Chaos Piaf Team defend his point of view...
"Who says that birdmen can't become big guys ??? "
Blood Bowl Lesson 16: Big Hand
BalletMaudit, female gutter of the M team, talk with her friend Tartine...
"Ok, to grab the ball anywhere, anyway, that's ok, but i'm asking my self about why it makes males skavens afraid... "
Blood Bowl Lesson 17: Leap
After a match against some slanns, Ratungo, Werealigator of the Baron Samedi's Mignons, make a good joke...
"Thish one will no longer leap... urgh urgh urgh !"