Posted by fly on 2013-03-22 00:24:19
you could draw some bandage around the centers.
Posted by Overhamsteren on 2013-03-22 00:25:37
Ewwwww nasty!
Anyway there is really not much to be done other than just accept the wish of the people in charge even if you can't quite understand why they make the distinction on legal/illegal things.
The rules are pretty clear on what is allowed, and if you make a mistake I am sure the admins will be friendly as long as you follow their ruling, so no harm done.
Posted by latulike on 2013-03-22 01:00:16
your drawings are awesome, really!
But those breasts are cleary nowhere near from any animal.
Looks like my own wife's! :P
Seriously, I understand the admins, there are plenty other solutions you can do to solve this problem.
Posted by Calcium on 2013-03-22 01:02:23
I would ban that on the basis that boobs on a rat is plain UGH.... I mean, it's not even a good looking rat is it?
Now if it was Minnie Mouse (not quite a rat, but still vermin), that would be a different story. But seriously mate, there isn't enough beer in the world to make that rat attractive. I know you Frenchies have low standards, but Jesus man.....Even those hellbound charioteers wouldn't skull**** that rat after they ran over it with their chariot......
Posted by neoliminal on 2013-03-22 01:03:19
If they won't allow for Female Football players showing cleavage, they certainly aren't going to show this. Yes, it's a cultural thing. Breasts are sexualized by certain cultures and long story short, it's their site so they can accept it or not.
Nice artwork, though.
Posted by Calcium on 2013-03-22 01:03:39
LOL.....after I typed that I clicked on the link to see the original pic.....
all I can say is
Posted by lizvis on 2013-03-22 01:09:11
she looks like she's trying to catch a lincoln log with her big hand. if i were her, i'd hope to roll a snake.
Posted by strikereternal on 2013-03-22 02:13:07
calcium what if the rat had big bulging lats and 5% body fat?
Posted by Chainsaw on 2013-03-22 02:14:27
I'm feeling horny now...
Posted by TheDarkFlame on 2013-03-22 02:37:59
Yeah, as others have already noted, nudity is a lot less acceptable in some societies (particularly American society) than good old-fashioned everyday gore and violence. It's the same story with vulgar language, which again seems rather daft, but there's not much you can do but accept the rules as given.
Posted by hale on 2013-03-22 03:06:55
really great artwork, but also understandable it was not accepted.
Posted by keggiemckill on 2013-03-22 04:09:48
It looks more like a set of man boobs, if you ask me. That picture wont be accepted in any culture, where there is no age requirement for participants. I mean really? Its chest is popping out of her shirt, in a very specific manner. You cant take the high road with that pic, aka artistic integrity, when your intent is to show those puppies off. You wouldn't walk the streets of any city in France with your junk waving in the wind either.
Here may be a guide line for you, boeufmironton in the future. Not that you have a teenage daughter, but if you wouldn't let her wear something, don't try to use it as a pic on Fumbbl.
Posted by Beerox on 2013-03-22 04:30:41
Severed Heads = good
Boobs = bad
Would you like some chocolate chip bacon?
Posted by BillBrasky on 2013-03-22 04:40:42
Just drape some bloody bandages across her nipples & put a severed head in her big hand, and it is fixed!
Posted by Nekran on 2013-03-22 04:48:54
To my dismay one of the admins made me cut off everything below the shoulders of the fully dressed women of the original Leisure Suit Larry... so yeah, you're definitely going to have to deal with it.
Posted by koadah on 2013-03-22 08:10:40
This was almost worth a 6 for Calcium's comments. ;)
It's a sign off the times dude. It's years since we were allowed to decorate our office with pictures naked women. Even then female staff complained until the boss gave them pictures of naked blokes to put up. Luckily the todgers were obscured.
You're not even allowed to squeeze people's asses as you pass them at the coffee machine any more.
And you know what else? No smoking allowed.
If it wasn't for the internet there'd be nothing to do there except work.
Posted by BooAhl on 2013-03-22 08:21:00
I agree with Calcium!
I havn't ssen that mutation in the skill set. Is it "Disturbing" prescence?
Made my morning tough..
Posted by boeufmironton on 2013-03-22 08:32:57
thank's for all this.
One think: it's not her shirt, it's her fur... and i seems that on every animals mammary are not cover of fur...
BUT, it's true that her mammary seems quasi-humans (color maybe ?).
i understand that this could shoke pudibond people, or religious people...
i will find funny solutions for the next...
Posted by Badoek on 2013-03-22 08:44:11
lmao, awesome picture (uncensored one).
There's been an extensive discussion on this topic (the cleavage mentioned by neoliminal). I get your point, several people do but that's (unfortunately) the way it is.
@BillBrasky: exactly. What world (read: culture) do we live in?
Posted by Ullakkomorko on 2013-03-22 09:27:42
I think it's best to have a very bright line rule here. No breasts no matter what.
Posted by the_Sage on 2013-03-22 09:37:22
I had the same issue with the team logo for these guys:
I started off with this picture:
It was the only pic I could find of a model with scales, and unfortunately she was naked.
I just kept cropping it until it got approved.
Posted by boeufmironton on 2013-03-22 09:42:20
to answer to keggiemckill, yep i have two teenage daughter... and i prefer them to make love than be drunk or love violence.
And i'm
But it's not the subject.
I'm ok to go on the rules of that site, but i think that questions are already a good think. Due to my profession (choregrapher) my job is too ask society about what it becomes. So, maybe am i a little bit provocator, but i try to stay cool and not hurt people for free...
Posted by boeufmironton on 2013-03-22 09:59:44
oh, and i must recognize that censors of the site have humour sens: they agree to take the censored drawing, and it's cool and funny, even if they have to apply rules.
Nice job guys, really :)
Posted by Garion on 2013-03-22 10:28:34
I actually like the one with the fumbbl censored sign more. It's funny, just use it like that.
Posted by Eusebio on 2013-03-22 11:13:06
Ridiculous... And another step towards adopting the US-American hypocrisy regarding nudity and sex...
Posted by Shraaaag on 2013-03-22 11:57:14
I haven't read all the comments, but why would a skaven have breasts like a human? I thought they had 6 nipples or something.
Posted by member1234 on 2013-03-22 12:06:12
Garion, I was going to say the exact same thing! I think it's a much funnier picture having the censored box. :D
Though I think the original would be refused 100% of the time, (the site policy on it has been discussed to death and will stay as it is.) I find image approval on the site a bit hit and miss, it'd be good to have some feedback as to why at times. I've had to resize an imagine a few times to fit into the various incarnations of my team bio. Same image approved once and rejected twice, just resized. (non-boobage, non-GW artwork) :o
Posted by koadah on 2013-03-22 12:07:01
@Eusebio No it isn't. it's about respect. I know that Mrs K would be very put off the site by images like that. We don't seem to have many women on the site but we won't hang on to many if everyone behaves like drunk builders.
I dunno why people keep bringing up 'kids friendly'. Most kids will think it's a great pic. ;)
Posted by Eusebio on 2013-03-22 12:50:10
Koadah, thats exactly what i am saying... It is a socially constructed problem. Setting ridiculous standards...
Posted by JanMattys on 2013-03-22 13:38:22
Eusebio, the site's stance is that we have to make people feel comfortable. Challenging their morals/beliefs/prudery is not the site's mission nor the site's concern.
So it is totally irrelevant if you are right or wrong in pointing out that people being uncomfortable with sexual content is a sign of hypocrisy. This is just not the place.
Posted by Eusebio on 2013-03-22 14:18:52
I get all that ;-) the problem is: where do you set the benchmark? A team being called "weapons of massdestruction" is just one example... People using womens pictures which are far away from cute for their amazonteams another... If you are being picky then please for everything which could upset someone... But then i fear we wont have the.diversity we are having now...
Posted by koadah on 2013-03-22 15:28:58
"where do you set the benchmark?"
the benchmark has already been set.
You have to draw a line somewhere or you end up with a site with an atmosphere that only appeals to a certain subset of people.
There is a lot of choice when it comes to looking at boobie pics but not so much when it comes to playing blood bowl. So, keeping this one a place where as many people as possible can feel comfortable is a good thing IMO.
You just know that someone is going to find it funny to create a team with names like John Thomas, Big Willie, Nimble Dick etc and upload pics to match. ;)
If you've never been ambushed by a dodgy pic in the net then you're lucky. ;)
Posted by boeufmironton on 2013-03-22 16:18:24
all this is good, and i'm happy that that discussion is of high level: no insult, no sarcasm.
But what about the image ?
Is it really pornographic or not ?
I mean, animality is often egal to nudity... see the picts or the celtic warriors... there is something tight between bestiality and sexuality... When i created bloodbowl figures, i created a minotaure all naked with it's sex banded to the sky...
Ok, maybe it could be an offence for certain eyes... But living in country, my children have seen some horses copulation, and it's brutal, emoving and animal... and they have survive. (my children :) )
i mean, when i created that drawing, and one time again, i'm ok if it can't be publicated in that site, i wanted to explain animality of my half man/half skaven (so why not two boobs...)
ps: excuse my poor english, i hope it's understandable
Posted by pythrr on 2013-03-22 17:41:40
the image has been refused.
why come into a public forum and complain about it.
that is extremely poor form.
just live with the decision of the site admins.
Posted by boeufmironton on 2013-03-22 18:18:52
I complain not, i propose a discussion.
But you are welcome :)
Posted by JanMattys on 2013-03-22 18:37:49
Ignore Pythrr.
Especially when he's telling you what "poor form" is.
Admins' word is law. Law is there for a reason. As long as you promote a civil discussion about the reason, no harm done.
That said, linking something that has been ruled out by the admins is not the right thing to do. If they don't want such an image available to site members, linking it anyway is not the best way to show you respect their decision.
Posted by boeufmironton on 2013-03-22 21:47:19
i prevent that that image is not for all eyes, and the site is not directly associated... i found that it was a good way...
Maybe a mistake :$
Posted by pythrr on 2013-03-22 22:20:49
jan - nonsense
he posts sick cartoon porn, gets told no, so comes on the blog to whine
end of
Posted by boeufmironton on 2013-03-23 03:30:25
What is end off ?
it means closed blog ?