As you may know, the
coolest and the
proudest BlackBox metagroups joined forces for a
fundraising campaign this season.
As the secretARRy of finance and since we all know that donations are a good way for laundering plundARR, I hereby pledge the following donations:
$1 for each ARR sprint
$5 for every new racial sprint record (max one per race)
$10 for a new ARR or stunty sprint record
$15 if there will be any unbeaten sprint
$20 if there will be any coach who sprints with 4+ races
... and the crown jewel:
$25 if JimmyFantastic sprints with a stunty race
ARR sprint records should be posted shortly (within the next couple of yeARRs) in the group page but here they are anyway:
High Elves (ARR record): 58 points
Underworld: 57 points
Pro Elves: 56 points
Vampires + Slann : 55 points
Flings (stunty record): 47 points
Goblins: 42 points
Ogres: 38 points
WintARR is coming, get those sprints going!