Posted by Azure on 2015-05-13 23:19:16
GG! I know you got me the next time we play! Just want to start early :P
Posted by cdassak on 2015-05-13 23:20:22
I dislike you even more now :P
Posted by mrt1212 on 2015-05-13 23:24:19
That means 100% site uptime, btw.
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2015-05-13 23:24:40
Posted by koadah on 2015-05-14 00:03:19
I know that we haven't scheduled the match yet but...
Posted by awambawamb on 2015-05-14 00:42:01
gg = good God?
Posted by mrt1212 on 2015-05-14 00:56:13
or Good Gravy as I apt to saying. In Gravy I Trust.
Posted by Cavetroll on 2015-05-14 01:22:28
gg in advance
Posted by happygrue on 2015-05-14 01:36:10
So crazy that some people start this after only a few turns. :D
I take comfort in knowing that Nuffle gives such people -1 to their most critical rolls, so it all evens out.
Posted by Khor_Varik on 2015-05-14 01:49:06
Grotty Giving up
Posted by akaRenton on 2015-05-14 02:08:29
I wouldn't check the replies on your last blog, you might explode :D
Posted by Jeffro on 2015-05-14 04:51:26
To break from my usual trolling sardonic commentary, I will say I support your position. This game is too finicky for someone to just up and give up in the first half... and the "gg" on turn 4 is just whiny and irritating. Don't apologize for killing my players unless you're going to stop blocking them... and don't say "gg" unless you have no dice to throw or are about to concede.
Posted by licker on 2015-05-14 05:09:04
Even better is the dude who claims that HF stands for high five.
Really? That's what it stands for?
That might be the 2nd dumbest thing I've seen today, and I've seen this whining about whining blog.
Posted by C3I2 on 2015-05-14 08:20:37
High Fidelity?
Posted by Shraaaag on 2015-05-14 11:07:00
So when I say gg (good game) because I enjoy the game, I'm using it wrong?
Posted by Khor_Varik on 2015-05-14 11:19:29
Of course!
Posted by bghandras on 2015-05-14 16:13:44
One of my opponents today said gg at least 5 times. This might be the trick to mislead nuffle into favourable rolls. :)
Posted by PaddyMick on 2015-05-14 17:08:36
I think a lot of coaches, probably without great english, don't get what it means
Posted by albinv on 2015-05-14 17:47:03
I started doing this a few months ago. Is it that bad really?
People read far too much into how coaches act ingame or in the forums really and draw conclusion from that.
Come on its just a board game after all, a board game with a long and proven history of being able to turn grown up men into pathetic little schoolboys again...
Now these strong and raw emotions certainly dont help you winning most of the time and can be a two sided sword in general for sure.
But to me that's a major part of the fun in it and what is attracting me to the game.
I dont know of any other board game that can do this. I mean people completely lose it about this game. Its a quite fascinating aspect, isnt it?
I mostly give the premature GG because it seems like the only option left to make me believe im at least not the complete idiot that i just appeared to be based on the hefty mistakes i just committed. I saw how unbearable stupid i played at least.
Really thats the main part about my premature GG. I know i play like a real braindead at times, and mostly i want to address that i at least know it (most of the time).
Yes. I also give up too early nowadays. I guess it more or less comes from too much multigaming. Also i cant be deluded enough to ignore the major rule misconceptions and contradictions in the game design, so i hopefully never will be the guy who sees BB as a real serious aspect/ and high priority in his short human life time.
My attitude towards the game is ambivalent, and just looking at the contradicting game concept and how it evolved it seems a sane attitude to me after all.
There are better, more important and more productive things to do in life arent there?
I dont want to end up judging peoples character/ personality based on their BB act as so many BB/ fumbbl powergamers tend to do (and i do/did as well to a degree at times). In the end that probably will say more about the guy pointing fingers than about the guy being judged.
I already play this great game way too much after all and give it too much priority/ read too much into it as well, while i dont care at the same time.
Pragmatical i will have to reduce my premature GG comments again. If it disturbs opponents that much i wouldnt want that. Nor having my character judged by fumbbl/ BB/ nerds/ freaks based on it or the way i play BB on here.
I will reduce my premature GG....pffff! ;)
Posted by albinv on 2015-05-14 17:49:54
Oh yes, it also sucks having to say GG like 4 times as bghandras pointed out.
Pragmatically looked at - that certainly doesnt indicate premature GG are the better concept. Gets on my own nerves indeed. ^^
Posted by bghandras on 2015-05-14 18:49:46
With that said: Saying gg once, then surprise the opponent may have some fun element. (If it is done the right bastard way.)
I am not saying this is a nice thing, but I can see where those coaches are coming from, who try this mind trick. Saying multiple dimes and dulling over is...
Posted by Lorebass on 2015-05-14 22:04:01
Gracious Goblins!
Posted by Khor_Varik on 2015-05-15 02:01:56
PaddyMick, I think you're right. For example some French coaches use "GG" to say "well done" (as you can say "grats" for scoring a TD). Maybe it's the same in other languages!
Posted by licker on 2015-05-15 02:45:05
How does GG mean well done in french?
Or do you mean they just say it because that's what they think it means?
Bise bise!
Posted by Balle2000 on 2015-05-15 04:35:51
hi gl & hf
Posted by Khor_Varik on 2015-05-15 20:57:05
Yeah Licker, it's "Good Game" but they think it means "well done". The meaning has been diverted, surely because it was used in other games to say "bravo". In French "bravo" is used for "gg" or also for "well done", or "grats".
Posted by Narlgoth on 2015-05-15 21:03:06
I hate GG, but more then that I hate Gratz!
Go on, just say what you are thinking: 'You're a lucky twat and I hate you! Wah wah wah!', or at least change it up to make it sound like I'm not just playing against a chess machine. Send a 'Nice!' or a 'Argh shit left that one open didn't I?'. Just not 'Gratz' (of GG), they sound so lazy.
Posted by cdassak on 2015-05-15 22:20:48
Well, grats means bastARRd in the BB world, it is known
Posted by cdassak on 2015-05-15 22:22:39
But gg means I lost in the BB world too
Posted by keggiemckill on 2015-05-16 15:57:20
Can we change it to GGU? Gonna Give Up
Posted by harvestmouse on 2015-05-17 07:04:31
The best way to look at them is the meaning behind the words, rather than the words.
HF GL is rather non committal but polite, I think it's a good opener even if you don't really want your opponent to have great luck (unless he starts becoming depressing).
GG before the end, is rather teddy tantrum time. A very bad sport.
Sorry for killing your players, is kind of polite. Ok they don't mean it; in that they didn't want to hurt them, but a BH would probably have sufficed over the kill.
With politeness and 'getting on' pretty fundamental to having a good experience here. I suggest letting 'sorry' and 'GL' go without a snipe.
No excuse for premature GG though. Maybe they have a general 'premature' problem and that's why they do it?
Posted by Leilond on 2015-05-17 12:05:52
Good luck = I hope you roll only 1s
Sorry for my luck = Buhahahahahahahahahha
Sorry (after a kill) = YESSSSSS!
I would be nice with a BH (after -ST on a CPOMBER) = DIE!!!
GG = You damn lucker! Hope your next match all your players DIE!
Lucky me (after a wizard fizzle) = This is GREAT! Mehehehehehehehehhahahhah
Ouch! = You damn lucker! You're winning only because your luck is bigger than your noobness!!!!
And so on, and so on
The best match I played was a Skaven vs Goblin some time ago, where there was no "false politeness", but only insults, always vs the team and the players and never to the coaches (obviously), but both of us insulted the players and the team (our own when failing actions, opponent's during their actions), freely blaming dices, nuffle, the stars, the players, fumbbl, the client and the magicians of the present and the past
I think that all will be better if some nice role play will enter the chat, with players insulting players, and lose some seriousness