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cdassak (26050)
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2013-11-12 07:37:15
rating 5.1
Posted by Lorebass on 2015-07-13 01:06:49
Lets keep these posts to personal (in your own house) topics like when someone has a kid or moves elsewhere,,, or something about blood bowl or table top. Political things are for forums and real life, not blood bowl.

**This message has been brought to you by Lorebass as a person who plays on this site.**
Posted by pythrr on 2015-07-13 01:17:49
kill all euro mens?
Posted by fidius on 2015-07-13 01:18:56
Krugman? LOL, what a hack.
Posted by FRSHMN on 2015-07-13 02:29:50
If he had anything wise to say, he would be called Klugman...
Posted by licker on 2015-07-13 02:32:59
Da fuq?

Let the man blog whatever he wants to blog, this is more interesting than 90% of the blogs out there anyway.
Posted by Arktoris on 2015-07-13 03:17:23
on the topic, yes...when you are chronically dependent on a credit line...you have no ownership of yourself.

This is exactly why the tea party is the most important group in the US. When the tea party falls, Democracy falls.

furthermore, it's also why I'm not a liberal. Even if you win at the polls/debates, you still lose when your policies long term effects catch up with you. It's a lose lose lifestyle.

as far as politics on fumbbl, I'm all for nonBB blogs. Once upon a time, the site had much more tolerance and freedom for discussion. As a result, we had twice the number of games and coaches. This was because we were more than just a dry one trick pony gamesite. We were a community of people with people fights, people conversations, and people bonding moments.

viva la nonBB blogs
Posted by pythrr on 2015-07-13 04:12:27
people fights! people fights!
Posted by koadah on 2015-07-13 07:06:53
@Arktoris: Perhaps you will remember that Fumbbl was a pretty nasty place with a horrible reputation.
The drop in coaches is mainly due to Cyanide and people not liking CRP.

I have no problem with this particular blog but more horse crap of the kind we used to get would be the last straw.

A lot of people come here for a bit of relaxation. That is often a bit easier if you don't realise that in real life you would probably hate your opponent's guts. ;)
Posted by fidius on 2015-07-13 07:24:30
In my experience it's mainly liberals who hate people's guts because of their politics.

95% of my gaming friends have polar opposite political views to mine, and I've learned to keep my mouth shut. Debating for amusement (aka "intellectual curiousity") is primarily a right-wing phenomenon.

But anyway, on-topic: http://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0911/the-history-of-greek-sovereign-debt-defaults.aspx
Posted by BillBrasky on 2015-07-13 07:25:37
I think blogs are personal.

No one here is forced to read it.

I'd agree with management's position if this discussion were an in-game dialog.

But, no one forces me to read this blog, nor forces him to write it, therefore; I suggest freedom to read or blog about what every man / women / deadite wishes to blog about.

I think that controlling what people write is an attempt to control ideas, which 99 / 100 chaos warriors will say is badong (bad-wrong).
Posted by Wreckage on 2015-07-13 07:53:02
"Debating for amusement (aka "intellectual curiousity") is primarily a right-wing phenomenon."

I always thought it'S the opposite. Left wingers love to debate and they are not afraid to say what they think.
I mean it's easy. You're just for all the good things. Spending tons of money. Environment. Being nice to everyone. Equality. Why wouldn't you talk about that?

Usually when somebody refuses to talk politics I almost always take it as a dead giveaway he's a right winger.

I mean.. I get that people often say far right opinions are result of populism to fetch votes but...
If I was into populism, somebody like Varoufakis would be my idol.
Posted by BillBrasky on 2015-07-13 07:58:45
Maybe in Germany, Wreckage.

Here, ironically, our left wants to ban right-wing speech.

Here, left-wing people are in a frenzy to ban the Confederate Battle Flag.

I don't care really, except that here we have a Bill of Rights.

Offensive speech is meant to be protected in our society.

Our freedom of speech should not be limited to politically correct speech.

I am seriously considering buying a huge Nazi flag to fly over my house. Not because I hate anyone, but because I have the right to do so, and all of this politically correct lingo, which is really just left-wingers trying to control speech, disgusts me.
Posted by Wreckage on 2015-07-13 08:57:13
Well, here we obviously don't have that sort of freedom either. I mean, waving a nazi flag is actually a crime.. tatoos are kinda funny like that... having a swastika tatoo makes you criminal but what you gonna do, eh? double loss.

Nah, our extreme right complains about that too.. they get ridiculued in the media, their opinions distorted.. and I believe them that.. I think a lot of leftists are indeed not really aware what they are doing but oh well. There still is a point.
The question ignites a bit about the matter of whether you have to be tolerant towards intolerance and violence. And the leftists mostly say no. Historically speaking you could say that the Nazis got away with quite a bit in Weimar Republic times. Like hanging flags in every street to basically show that it was their territory. Marching into parliament with armed troops. Killing jews. That sort of thing.

One could probably make a point that regardless of tolerance people shouldn't be oblivious to those things.

One of the most remarkable things I noticed in my life is that politically motivated violence from left extremists usually ends in vanadlism, ie the destruction of property since property has generally a low value to leftists.

Right-extremists tend to have opinions that devaluate life. Overall they commit less crimes but when they do it is amassing amounts of assault and murder. Left winger murders have in my country at least a fat 0. It doesn't exist.
Posted by Verminardo on 2015-07-13 09:25:23
Schäuble is a zealot, I believe he has some serious issues ever since the assassination attempt that took his legs and almost his life, he certainly shouldn't be given that much power. He was a nightmare as minister of the interior, I remember one instance when I heard some news about some proposal of his where I seriously thought it was satire (it wasn't). When he got "promoted" to minister of finance I thought, phew, at least he can't cause that much damage in that position.

Thought wrong.

Sounds like there has been an agreement after all, though, for whatever that's worth.
Posted by Wizfall on 2015-07-13 09:28:17
As i understand from my amateurish point of view :
- Greek estate is very bad to collect tax (massive fraud especially high revenue, sectors without tax like naval transport, some isles have very low TVA,...) and despite the extremely severe crisis and a left government reforms are not made to collect more or better.
- few want to erase Greek debt because unlike Germany and some other countries at the time, Greek estate will still lose a lot of money once it's done.
It's like erasing the debt of someone who spend 100€ per month while earning only 50€. Erasing his past debt will change nothing if he did not change his behaviour to spend less or earn more. Erasing his debt if he agree to only spend 70 while increasing his earning (collect) to 70 would be ok and a sane situation IMO.

May be wrong on many things above but it's the view i got of the situation after reading some articles.

Also i appreciate off topics discussion on various subjects, could be very interesting and broaden your "horizon", as long as it did not become too "hot", which is unfortunately hard to manage.
Posted by Wreckage on 2015-07-13 09:35:30
Well, he was pretty much in favor of a Grexit ever since before the first aid package. He thought (somewhat reasonably) that there was no way Greece could recover in the Eurozone and that any investment on them was wasted.

But lets be serious, any conservative that has been that long in charge of inner defense as him, would have a terrible outlook on the world. I agree, he's a terribly choice to negotiate with Greece and the whole thing was at this point just emberassing.
Posted by BillBrasky on 2015-07-13 10:02:47
I admit that I am ignorant of Euro politics. I thought that all of Europe has way too many old people, very few young people, and few hopes of sustaining itself.

Is that just a myth? I think 2.1 is the appropriate number of humans needed to be created per family to sustain a civilization, and you guys are below that... or am I wrong?
Posted by koadah on 2015-07-13 10:21:44
Oh come on Bill. You must know more than that.

We have no problem what so ever attracting young people. :twisted:
Though it is true that they prefer to live in the cities. Not out in the tiny villages.

Posted by grunth on 2015-07-13 10:24:06
you are right Bill, 2.01 for France in 2012 :)

but we are still here, and for a long time hehe :)
Posted by koadah on 2015-07-13 10:38:12
@fidius: I have no problem discussing anything at all. I'd just rather not do it here.

I like having a haven to escape to and talk about silly things like CPOMB.
The ambiance of the place can deteriorate pretty rapidly if not kept in check

If I want to hear about the heavy stuff I know where to go.
Posted by Badoek on 2015-07-13 11:11:05
@Wreckage: a flat 0 NOW, left extremists were quite nasty before though.

@BillB: I could never do that, I'd feel really bad. I don't dislike shocking and even provocation but flying a swastika flag above your house is, in "our" culture, quite obviously a bad thing. Holocaust survivors, tortured members of the resistance, people taken away for forced labour, and the descendants of these people who have had to deal with the consequences of their ((great)grand)parents being one of these: you would hurt them for the sake of it? People get hurt, sure, but I like to have some decency when possible.

Ah what the heck am I doing typing this stuff on FUMBBL? Back to work!
Posted by BillBrasky on 2015-07-13 11:16:34
I would never really do that...

But I want to, just to prove a point.

We should all be free people.

Even if others dislike our ideas, we should have the freedom to say them.

Gays & other groups could probably relate to my point.

Posted by koadah on 2015-07-13 11:46:02
If you fly the flag of the enemy people may well mistake you for the enemy.

Maybe you should fly an Islamic State flag along side it.
Posted by Badoek on 2015-07-13 11:53:32
@Bill: Ok fair enough :)

@koadah: Yeah that would be somewhat similar, more contemporary but the minds behind the misdeeds are similar. Humans can be so bad... :(
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2015-07-13 12:50:38
Ah-ha! Politics! No one is tricking me into this one!:D
Posted by The_Great_Gobbo on 2015-07-13 13:14:57
Oo iz dis greasy person yew all keep bangin on abowt? If ee owez yew money den just send der ladz rownd ter give im a friendly reminder like
Posted by BillBrasky on 2015-07-13 15:45:43
I have Muslim friends... So that wouldn't be fair to put them in the boat with Hitler.

If there was a radical Jihad flag, I'd put that next to my Nazi flag!
Posted by albinv on 2015-07-13 15:54:05
I liked it.

However if Mr. Schäuble might hear about this Blog, Fumbbl might get into some deep trouble indeed...
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2015-07-13 16:29:57
Bill, the Islamic State is the name for ISIS in Europe.
Posted by Wreckage on 2015-07-13 16:43:12
If you would put an ISIS flag up that would be probably grounds to capture you and put you indefinitly into a hole with no legal defense. Curtosy of the tolerant republicans ;).
Posted by Cloggy on 2015-07-13 17:42:32
I don't understand why this is a coup or any other bad thing. The issue is very simple to me. The Greek politicians and public are allowed to fix their problems their way. Simply decline the offer and the Troika will certainly go away. In all honesty I hope the Greek government has the courage to decline the offer and fix their own economy in way that better suits their society.

If, however you want someone else to bail you out of trouble you have to do it on their terms.

If you can find someone else to float you 90 billion Euro without asking difficult questions, please give me their number cuz I could use some free money of my own!

Posted by koadah on 2015-07-13 17:49:49
@Bill: So is it only OK to treat people like shit if they are not friends of yours?
Posted by BillBrasky on 2015-07-13 17:57:03

How is my waving a flag of any nature treating anyone like anything?

I should be able to wave anything, wear anything, say anything.

My expressions only affect you if you chose to be affected.
Posted by garyt1 on 2015-07-13 18:07:26
A lesson not to get in massive debt that you can't pay off...
Posted by Wreckage on 2015-07-13 18:09:46
Arctoris, the situation between parties in the US isn't really compareable to the Euro situation tho. In the US you have two parties fighting over the household of the same government. The democrats aren't trying to loan money from the tea party. There are plenty of other people who would hand money willingly to the US.
The EU on the other hand would be very happy if Greece did make plenty more debts. The problem is that nobody in the entire world wants to hand them money anymore. So Greece has to get money outside the market. That's why they are turning to the EU for help. And the EU is concerned with giving money to somebody nobody else wants to give money to. They basically argue: If you want money from our national households, if you want us to endebt us for you, then you have to have a solid household plan. Because we don't want to be the idiots who don't get paid back because you can't hold back on spending.

A parliament like in the US however has complete household control. A parliament could decide to reduce household spending even on a surplus household, in order to for instance accomplish political goals. It could also decide who gets what amount of money. It simply has completely control.
Essentially no government is really operational when it can't obtain parliamentary support. And that is mainly because of control of government spending.
It is only a matter of how strongly you want to press the issue. And there are many many examples of parliaments who have successfully pressed the issue hard in the past. Just doesn't seem to have been a big issue in the US before. Which is somewhat commendable.

I guess the Greeks may have felt inspired by that stunt to try to strongarm the EU but ultimatively the EU countries are not all in the same boat. When one party in the US sinks the US they also sink themselves, their own future.
Greece well being was never really tied to the rest of europes well being and that is something they didn't seem to understand. Germany didn't bail them out out of own interest in the first place. It may have been a factor that dropping Greece out would provide instability in the eurozone but if you look at the harsh investor reality, it is never a good idea to invest in something nobody else invests in. So what made the difference in the decision making was really political responsibility. And Greece wagered that and declared the EU is only in it for its economic interest.
And the EU called that and strongarmed back. And boy did they strongarm back.

As for the economic side, I'm not a fan of the free market model the EU and the IMF envision and have so deeply incorporated into their organisation. Especially when it comes to struggeling economies. But I do believe that the northern european leaders who have pushed these concepts forward do believe they would help greece in the long run if they did follow the plans.
And they kinda do have the stats to prove that since Greece was actually in recovery just before the Syrza government was elected. But there are so many examples where IMF plans have not helped, they were all over the place in Africa and look where the continent is now.. I think by the late nineties it was pretty apparent that this is really an outdated organisation. It will never change tho because there are rules it needs to follow, rules that constitue what that organisation is in itself, just as is the EUs market concept. (And I'm not talking about its lack of regulations.)
I never really understood why an economy with a high import rate would want to be part of something like that. I think it's because Greece ultimatively thinks in the same outdated terms like everyone else. That free market means profit for all. But maybe its because it makes imports cheaper. Well, if thats how greeks think they really got in coming for them. ;)
I mean it's quite obvious that on the long run the Greeks future in Europe is tied to its ability to produce export to match its import, right? Just as with any other country in the zone. If you market concept is to only take loans in return to product you should be aware that ultimatively that isn't something real to offer in return. It's more like an unfullfilled promise to the future. Therefore if the EU ever does start a united household managment in should focus on balancing import and export. Not on household management.
Posted by BillBrasky on 2015-07-13 18:17:33
Wreckage for Führer of Europe!
Posted by Calcium on 2015-07-13 18:48:49
Lets settle this over a cup of tea chaps.....
Posted by akaRenton on 2015-07-13 19:29:53
Posted by pythrr on 2015-07-13 19:47:13
this is all greek to me.
Posted by luxyluxo on 2015-07-13 19:48:55
So far Greece owes every person in Luxembourg 1,600 Euros and Luxembourg does not have a coast. Therefore to kill two birds with one stone....

Posted by koadah on 2015-07-13 20:13:03
@Bill: The main reason for displaying such flags is to intimidate people with the aim of driving them out of their neighbourhood of even the country.

Maybe people are more likely to "choose to be affected" when they have been attacked or abused in the street or had their churches burnt down or cemetaries desecrated.
The odd massacre doesn't help either.
Posted by Cloggy on 2015-07-13 20:34:44
So you can tell why people in the US fly a specific flag all the way from the UK?

Can you please also give me the winning lottery numbers for the next draw?
Posted by Calcium on 2015-07-13 20:44:19
whoa.....this has escalated
Posted by koadah on 2015-07-13 21:17:55
Bill already told us why he would fly it. But the effect is still the same and he doesn't seem to care about that.
Posted by PainState on 2015-07-13 22:31:48
I have always felt that Politics in blogs is the way to go on FUMBBL, if you wish to put up something political. Blogs are moments in time that come and go. 2 days later they are buried, the people commenting have commented and we move on.

FUMBBL does not want politics in the off topic area. Those type of topics would pop up again and again until admins just start locking threads left and right.

So thumbs up to politics on Blogs if you so desire.

My final thought.

I have found over the years that if a right leaning conservative topic is brought up the comments just blow up, usually about the coach posting the topic as some right wing extremist.

A left leaning progressive blog shows up, comments are there but not in large numbers, usually patting the blogger on the back for his sensible outlook on the world of politics and standing up those Right Wing nuts.

of course most of the time the original blog is just ignored as coaches stand on soap boxes yelling at each other and then the blog finally goes down and the soap boxes are put into storage until the next blog.

Just my thoughts.
Posted by BillBrasky on 2015-07-14 00:36:13
I'm totally doing it. Nazi flag, Confederate battle flag, ISIS flag, any other suggestions?
Posted by Wreckage on 2015-07-14 01:00:59
Well, never miss out on the classic Mao flag... And of course sowjet union flag... I did actually always cherish the idea to tatoo a a little hammer and sickle on my chest... just above the heart. But nah... no ink for authorities to identify me...

And... what did the guy have who went on a killing spree in that church? South African Arpatheit flag. Hm, something that would really rattle people in the US... mhm, lemme think...
Al Quaida flag... although that would look too similar to the ISIS flag if you don't speak arabic...

ok then.. just for diversity...
my little pony equestria flag...
Posted by Royston on 2015-07-14 01:03:04
Bill it has to be this one:

Posted by Wreckage on 2015-07-14 01:05:56
And uhm.. just because that would be really really controversial if you put that flag together with all those other terrible flags... and it would rattle people like hell... just add a little rainbow flag...

also comes really good with the other conservative nutters..
Posted by m0gw41 on 2015-07-14 01:08:19
You could stick a few Westboro bapist church placards on your front lawn as well just for good measure.

The Greece situation is a total mess, plenty of Greeks screwed the system in the past and plenty will get screwed by the system in the future (probably not the ones doing much of the original screwing). If there was an easy way to screw the original screwers without screwing the rest then Europe wouldn't be as screwed.
Posted by paradocks on 2015-07-14 02:05:56
I recall reading on Pokerstars that it's against site rules to mention anything relating to politics in chat. Just thought it was a strange rule
Posted by PainState on 2015-07-14 05:35:30
Posted by koadah on 2015-07-14 07:02:53
I hope that you are joking Bill.
Posted by BillBrasky on 2015-07-14 13:57:45
Nice Painstate!

Koadah, I'm not really putting any flag on my property.
Posted by liquidorange on 2015-07-15 01:52:17
Point of order re: liberals in the US suppressing freedom of speech with regard to the Confederate flag. A little research will confirm that the only law most of the protesters sought to overturn was one allowing the display of the flag ON GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. Any argument about making the display of the flag illegal (a la the Nazi flag in Germany) is at best hyperbole and at worst an outright lie.
Posted by liquidorange on 2015-07-15 01:54:47
You'll also find conservatives claiming suppression of religious freedoms when court rulings are handed down requiring the removal of the Ten Commandments from government property. As a liberal I'm not at all about suppressing speech. Just the use of government property and funds for that purpose.
Posted by koadah on 2015-07-15 02:32:12
@Bill: Thanks for putting my mind at rest.

Then again. If you posted that when relatively sober how do we know it will still hold after your third bottle of whiskey?
Posted by Wreckage on 2015-07-15 05:22:19
As long as he doesn't really mean it how does it really matter? Other than that he is gonna get in trouble for it?

With the South States flag it's a bit more tricky since he does really mean it i think..

Cdassak, I said that earlier but really wanted to say that one more time and very clearly:
The ultimatum Schäuble gave was absolutely absurd. Either put 50 billion euro into private assets or quit the zone. I still can't believe Alexis actually went for it.
It was absolutely shameful and a disgrace for Germany to treat Greece, an economy of only 220 billion GDP that way... after they gave in and came up with a reasonable plan... it was an absolutely absurd demand.. and honestly... the worst stunt the Merkel government has pulled in their ten years. So far I always thought they were quite reasonable for a Christ-Democratic government.
Needless to say that I didn't vote for them and that I never will.

Posted by albinv on 2015-07-15 07:32:35
Rainbow flag or my little pony. Little pony killing a bottle of Jack Daniel's preferably.
Posted by Wreckage on 2015-07-15 18:44:29
Just in case you are interested what the IMF is actually saying:

1. Since Greece failed to do the reforms it promised so far it is in a much worse state than originally projected.
2. Greece closing the banks led to further significant deterioration of debt sustainability.
3. Greece has shown that is not willing to sustain austerity conditions while in a state of economic growth therefore it is extremely unlikely they will manage any significant growth in the future. Political pressure will push them to abandon austerity as soon as they reach surplus again.
4. There is no way private investors will ever take over EU debts in Greece for AAA conditions.
AAA = Absolute faith in Greece ability to pay its debts back, unbankruptable. (The higher the faith the lower the rate.)
5. Credit conditions worse than AAA would be unsustainable for Greece anywhere in the near future.
6. The only way for Greece to have any chance for private investors to have faith to get monetary return would be if it was relieved of very significant pressure from its off market investors.
