Posted by pythrr on 2012-03-01 11:48:24
good stuff
what do you get for murder in Germany?
Posted by DatMonsta on 2012-03-01 12:09:58
Not enough!
Max. 15 years when you aren't a serial killer, and when they don't have enough evidence it's just 2nd degree murder, not more then 10 years.
But at least they cought those bastards, lets hope they'll have a horrible time in prison!
Justice ftw!
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2012-03-01 12:23:45
They deserve to be strung up, bastards.
Posted by BlizzBirne on 2012-03-01 12:44:38
actually, in cases of particularly high degree of violence or complete lack of remorse you can be sentenced to prison for 15 years for one murder and a security arrest afterwards, as protection for the society. let's hope the judges go for this.
Posted by pythrr on 2012-03-01 12:47:48
one can always hope that they end up sharing a cell with "bubba", who is misunderstood and really just misses his teddy bear..... honest...
Posted by Nightbird on 2012-03-01 13:15:35
Glad to hear you & your friends family will be getting some justice.
How can this be rated anything but a 6? I guess some are miffed due to the article being in German?
Please read the previous blog people & you will understand.
Posted by Favalessa on 2012-03-01 13:22:20
Sometime i like chinese way....
Posted by Raughri on 2012-03-01 16:00:28
A small measure of comfort to the friends and families. I am glad they have caught them. Thank you for sharing f_alk.
Posted by liquidorange on 2012-03-02 02:35:13
I'm sorry for the loss of your friend, mate. I know it's a small condolence to have his attackers caught and heading for prison - but I hope it does offer some comfort.
My thoughts and prayers to you and his family.
Posted by nThatch on 2012-03-02 04:11:38
Almost makes me believe in the system...
Still, a sad story.
Posted by Balle2000 on 2012-03-02 08:51:06
I am really glad they were caught! Lets hope they are put to justice. And that the other inmates get to know of their utter meaningless (impossible to find a proper words here) actions.