In our private league, we have this player:
Black Orc Blocker, ST+, ST+, Block, Break Tackle
I made this icon for it:
and for Flint Churnblade:
added Eldril Sidewinder:
Posted by FreeRange on 2010-03-30 04:00:40
Just out of curiosity, what program do you use to create/edit your icons?
Posted by princevaliant on 2010-03-30 04:53:47
Awesome awesome awesome, but I always say that ;-)
Not to take over your blog, but I have to recommend DirtyBrian's thread to anyone interested in making icons:
Posted by f_alk on 2010-03-30 13:49:46
Thanks Princevaliant ...
actually I read that thread and from there on started to edit icons :)
FreeRange: I use GIMP, and the thread given by princevaliant explains the use really well.