Posted by PainState on 2014-12-12 06:56:36
Hang in there man, give it time, keep plugging away.
Now to make you smile. Here was my very first blog entry in 2007. I was still a newb running around, getting picked liked a ripe cherry. So this is what I wrote.
Posted by luxyluxo on 2014-12-12 08:42:38
Your luck has to change at some stage , hang on in there !
Posted by Roland on 2014-12-12 08:51:08
+1 to hang in there!
You will learn the basic risk management eventually. Thus, not get "diced" every game.
I'm not the very best coach, but I'mm definetly better than myself 2 years ago!
Play more games, and spec Legend coaches!
And, when you get truly diced, just shrug, laugh and hope nobody in your team gets killed (foul with your best players).
Posted by the_Sage on 2014-12-12 10:39:28
Every coach who is new (under 500 games) feels like he is particularly unlucky. And even most grizzled veterans have a skewed perception of the game's probablities and the fairness of their own dice relative to that of the opponent. The sensible and/or fun ones have just learned to stop voicing it. =D
Posted by koadah on 2014-12-12 13:15:10
Your Nan only told you half of it.
Yer gotta be practicing the right things. ;)
Have a look at how the pros do it and practice doing it like them. ;)
Posted by frogboy on 2014-12-12 15:47:09
Stra-Terr-gee ? Mmmm sounds intresting maybe I'll give it a go ;)
Thanks to the rest of you Gitz too, it's always nice to here your opinions, well the ones that were relative to the first post that is ha :D
Posted by keggiemckill on 2014-12-13 02:03:13
Your record is 31/41/119. If you stood on your head your record would read something like 611\1h\1E. I know that doesn't make a lot of sense, but I ain't sober and you are having fun playing. So neither of it matters in the short run or the long run. Just keep running yo. :)