Posted by Calcium on 2015-06-01 17:39:50
like a 'Carry on' movie...except worse....a lot worse - and that's really crap, because the Carry on movies really haven't aged well (other than Carry on Screaming, that one's a classic)
Posted by Jopotzuki on 2015-06-01 17:44:14
In Finland we put tea bags to the food waste (biowaste) unless the string is attached with a small metal clip to the bag.
Posted by mister__joshua on 2015-06-01 17:45:54
I think mine have been in all 3 at once.
Posted by easilyamused on 2015-06-01 17:47:08
This blog has confused me in very disturbing ways.....
Posted by m0gw41 on 2015-06-01 17:47:45
Tea bag that dirt box but better to rip the bag a new hole first.
Once the dirt is ready for spreading just fish out the used bags and chuck 'em.
Posted by Russo on 2015-06-01 18:06:00
Hi buddy,
I work in waste mgt and recycling. The official line is put it in the compost box / heap. It is biodegradable and is best place for it. However the problem with old ones turning up in the soil could be because the compost box/heap is not getting enough air in to the middle which helps things break down fully.
I believe gardeners recommend the odd pee on the compost heap and having air holes along the box to allow air in.
Oh and if unsure about other things the first rule to remember is that unless it is metal or paper, the council usually has to pay for the recycling , disposal or treatment of the waste so it reduces your Local Authority bill if you can divert the waste from ever being collected at all :-)
Posted by xerode on 2015-06-01 18:06:23
Pretty sure they go in the biowaste box. I put mine there except we recently got a compost heap at the house I moved to :)
Posted by Lorebass on 2015-06-01 18:20:37
Russo just summed up the best answer for most of life's problems:
Just Pee on It.
Posted by frogboy on 2015-06-01 18:25:14
Lol thanks for the sensible answers and the dirty ones too, who knew recycling could ever be so much fun :D
Posted by Royston on 2015-06-01 18:47:34
I generally just leave them on the sink until they go dry and mouldy, then throw them in an envelope and post it to Russo's office.
Posted by Mateuszzzzzz on 2015-06-01 18:52:24
Want a good tea do old fashioned way and not from teabags.
Posted by PainState on 2015-06-01 19:11:41
I just have a vision reading these responses of Russo, wearing a hard hat, pushing a bin with 50LB.s of compost on top of hill outside of Stoke and depositing it on top of the ever growing mound of compost.
Posted by harvestmouse on 2015-06-01 19:12:36
I have one of those composting green bins in the garden. You stick it in the top. The slugs and worms get to work on it and then stuff comes out the bottom you can stick on flowers.
Like you, I have been finding that the tea bags aren't degrading fully. I'd stick it in the food bin.
Posted by Jeffro on 2015-06-01 22:39:07
A whole blog about tea bagging that includes comments from and about Russo and no mention of anyone's testicles... color me disappointed.
Posted by frogboy on 2015-06-02 00:38:52
We can only live in hope :D
Posted by Badoek on 2015-06-02 09:09:46
@Jeffro: and you had to come in and ruin it all. >(
Posted by Jeffro on 2015-06-02 14:55:58
Thas' whut I do!! ;D
Posted by licker on 2015-06-02 15:44:02
It's not the teebagging, it's the dirt box...
But since Jeffro posted here now, that's covered too!