By the crusted crusts of a thousand pies and the simmering stews of ages past, Oggy-Boggy beseeches the Dark Gods to send forth Lord Borak, the feared and mighty Chaos Warrior, to foul Griff Oberwald into oblivion! May Lord Borak's wrath descend upon the pitch like a storm of fire and brimstone, laying waste to Griff's reign of terror and dirty play.
Oh, Dark Gods of the Blood Bowl pitch, hear my plea! Grant Lord Borak the strength to deliver justice where it's due, to smite the cheaters and bring balance back to the game. Griff Oberwald's days of skating by on fouls and deception must come to an end. Let Lord Borak be the instrument of retribution, the avenger of fair play and honor!
So raise your goblets, fellow halflings and fans alike! Join me in invoking the power of the Dark Gods to banish Griff Oberwald's unearned reign of terror from the Blood Bowl gridiron once and for all. And may Lord Borak's cleats find their mark with righteous fury!
P.S. Come to the Gourmet Hearth this Wednesday at 5, 15% off your meal if you have proof that you have beseeched the dark gods in this manner!
Oggy-Boggy, executive Chef of the Gourmet Hearth and owner of the Culinaryton Hamfists.
Posted by JamesLangley on 2024-06-19 11:39:48
The Slippery '82 Incident will forever be a skeleton in Griff's closet. May he one day face justice.