Posted by Jabberwocky on 2013-01-17 16:09:56
Let me assure you, many faces have been palmed. ,)
Posted by maysrill on 2013-01-17 16:15:28
Stalling ON turn 8: Rating = 1
Calling yourself out on it: Rating = 6
Good show, old bean!
(everyone does stupid stuff, have fun with it)
Posted by Wreckage on 2013-01-17 16:28:05
What a brave move to go into overtime to get even more CAS! Your only mistake was to admit that you just didn't get it!
Stalling on turn 8: Rated 6
Calling yourself out on it: Rated 1
Posted by Qaz on 2013-01-17 16:37:39
You could have claimed to pull a Naama! And doing a Naama is super cool! but since you did not want to do it. It just aint a Naama and it aint cool :(
Posted by neoliminal on 2013-01-17 16:59:04
Well played...
Posted by Overhamsteren on 2013-01-17 18:28:49
Why would you watch team value while playing? It only changes after you are done with the match.
Posted by Russo on 2013-01-17 22:12:26
@ Overhamsteren.....LOL very good...almost as good as teh origional post which was excellent btw :-)