Posted by Rabe on 2013-04-23 03:32:57
Haha, nice one! :-D
My condolences.
Posted by Chainsaw on 2013-04-23 03:34:09
That makes no sense.
You say it like +ST is something that never ever happens, so a +ST is like a diamond that must be treasured.
Wait until you have a special player to use it on - like a +ST+ST or something.
Posted by latulike on 2013-04-23 03:38:38
lol, Chainsaw, not really saying that, he was my only niggled player yet, so I thought I'd wait to see his next skill before using the sponge (like another +ST). Heh.
I love bloodbowl, the match just ended, total of 4 deaths in the whole game, this one with a gfi, another from the crowd, another by a rock. Did I say I love bloodbowl? :)
Posted by Nelphine on 2013-04-23 04:21:31
I'd like to point out that between all my teams I have rolled precisely.. 8 or 9 +S players? and none of them were double +S. And most of them died within 1 or 2 games of getting +S.
I consider having a +S player a supreme treat. (For instance, on my lizardmen team, in 130+ games, I have rolled +S twice; similarly, on my 160+ game Nurgle team I have also rolled +S only three times.)
Posted by pythrr on 2013-04-23 08:17:02
like 26 spps is like really high man wow
Posted by harvestmouse on 2013-04-23 09:17:25
The point of the blog is:
'I was going to use it on this player after his next skill, but he died BECAUSE of the niggle, and if I didn't wait, he'd have lived'.
How good the player is/was is irrelevant here. But what really is relevant is how irrelevant the apo is now, or is as I understand it.....
My 56 game old pygmy team have not had 1 successful apo attempt, which leads me to believe they're best for BHs' or less.
Ok, less blog hijacking harvestmouse!!! My condolences too, but in the long run, probably a good thing ;)
Posted by Axtklinge on 2013-04-23 10:32:13
Yep, Nuffle's a f-word joker all right.
Besides, you know that saying "Easy come, easy go..."
Thanks for sharing!
Posted by Reisender on 2013-04-23 19:11:37
i thought that was a blog about how you will not have a shower again cause it keeps you from playing on fumbbl...
Posted by maysrill on 2013-04-24 16:56:06
Kinda wish I had one for my DE renegade. He's "n,n" currently.
Posted by hale on 2013-04-25 03:31:34
Seems to just be a law of Nuffle that greatness must be punished.