Posted by cameronhawkins on 2012-11-14 20:23:51
I haven't added it up, but I'm pretty sure you could induce Morg'n'thorg AND The Mighty Zug. Or Helmut Wulf. Or Griff Oberwald. Or an Ogre merc with Piling On. In fact, with those star players, you really can't go wrong! If you get enough muscle, you could smoke that team. Even a mercenary with tackle might be a good investment.
Posted by Fightingmongoose on 2012-11-14 20:30:52
The rats have lots of players, but not really any stars. Still I would take a wiz, 3 bribes, Helmut, and a dirty player lineman merc, and foul like crazy. If you can get rid of the GR, the rest should come easy.
An ogre, (Or Zug, Griff, or Morg for that matter) are not really going to help with your main main issue. Defense against speed. The best you can do is make it ugly. Go for a 2-1 grind and try to foul his av 7 off the pitch.
My 2 cents.
Posted by the_cursed_one on 2012-11-14 22:20:42
im on the chains saw +dp +bribes route should work, and hope for more bribes from kick offs
Posted by The_Murker on 2012-11-14 22:54:00
Take Griff. He only has one Dauntless runner who can get the ball from Griff easily. Attack that rat with a chainsaw. And take the wizard and a bribe.
1) Secure the ball with Griff and kill stuff. Score. Then he will score, hopefully quickly. Repeat step 1. In the end, if fouling and killing works, and he runs out of rats on a drive, you might be able to stall and score one more time that he does at the last minute. Keeping him from getting the ball thus-ly is key.
HE can't stall until the last minute, because you save your wiz to stop that nonsense.
Best of luck, human coach.
Posted by Qaz on 2012-11-15 09:06:36
Is the team name inspired by the quote from the movie Bugsy Malone?
Posted by m0gw41 on 2012-11-15 18:59:51
Thank you folks! It seems my chaps are going to have to shun the spirit of cricket and opt for rough and probably dirty tactics.
Let's hope the two umpires turn a blind eye to the suspiciously buzzing and shiny cricket bat that Helmut brings to the crease...
PS Bugsy Malone: not seen that in donkey's years!