Posted by vaclav on 2014-10-10 14:04:06
bribe is better then apo in this case i think, Who would u apo, since u cant apo loners. Maybe even another chef.
Posted by BillBrasky on 2014-10-10 14:09:16
I don't think you can get more than 1 chef.
Apoth is fine for the trees, but a bribe is also good, I think.
Posted by happygrue on 2014-10-10 14:22:00
One thing you could consider is taking Zara and a merc fling instead of deeproot (if your roster has space for the merc). If the other team doesn't have strip ball or much tackle, Zara as ball carrier (to escape tents!) could be very useful. However, the inducements as you have them is probably how I'd go too, unless they lack any way to get the ball from Zara...
I have a fling team that only plays in tournaments, but they haven't had that many inducements (yet), so I don't think the games will be too much help. Though there is one against a much higher (800 inducements) nurgle oppo (and I did use Zara) that you could look at:
Posted by m0gw41 on 2014-10-10 17:10:14
Thanks for the feedback guys, There isn't any stripball and one tackler so I guess Zara is an option, it would free enough cash for another card, as well. There are three clawMB players on that team, which is why I was considering the other apo, which makes me think deeproot might get taken down. I probably won't be needing him to throw many flings with all that disturbing presence More replays welcome!
Posted by Roland on 2014-10-10 18:30:05
Look at garions replays, total magic there
Posted by Garion on 2014-10-10 20:29:23
Fist pump.
Oh yeah. thats going in my signature :P
Posted by Garion on 2014-10-10 20:31:05
You are correct, that wall of st is the way to go. Zara is good yes but morg is better.
Posted by Garion on 2014-10-10 20:42:51
here is replay of pretty much the same match up with my flings -
Posted by happygrue on 2014-10-10 21:12:47
Not a question about more vs zara, it's about deeproot vs zara. I agree, the wall of strength is probably better if you can stop his blocking game from getting rolling. On the other hand, if the trees go down or out (he has plenty of claw) then he just rolls over you. Zara does give you some options that deeproot + morg do not. I lost that game, but it was *mighty close* against a very good coach.
Still, all that said and done, it's hard to argue with the effectiveness and price of the deeproot + morg.
Posted by cdassak on 2014-10-11 02:15:15
I think the bribe is better since you have an apo
Posted by Grod on 2014-10-11 14:26:19
Wall of strength and foul like a midget! Looks like a good selection of inducements to me!
Posted by NickNutria on 2014-10-11 23:34:56
I think what your shopping list is very sensible, will be a hard game against your halflings (it's my nurgle team).
Posted by mr-maverick on 2014-10-12 08:38:32
If NickNutria (yer oppo) thinks its a sensible shopping list, then I'd revise it, lol
Posted by Grod on 2014-10-12 09:57:11
Let the mind games begin!
Posted by selfy_74 on 2014-10-15 22:27:37
Empty your mind. Think about the game and you winning it. Think about the denizens of Nurgle being splattered all over the pitch. Create the positive vibe and energy.
Then go out and do it!
Posted by m0gw41 on 2014-10-22 00:38:09
It was a crazy game, 20 cas in total and we managed to hold out until T7 of overtime:
One turn without concentration in the 2nd half ruined all the nuffle love we had been given in the first, the boys did well though, shame about the coach...