Posted by Jeffro on 2010-11-09 00:47:33
Whiny and mindless?!?... nah...
Narcisstic and wordy?!?... totally. ;)
Posted by Prinz on 2010-11-09 00:52:09
tl;dr, locking this blog!
Posted by BiggieB on 2010-11-09 01:44:18
pff humbug all lies!!! I know for a fact that you frequently file tickets against mods and try to abuse them at every turn. Some of your tickets even found their way towards christer...
Posted by EvolveToAnarchism on 2010-11-09 04:02:44
Brilliant post. But one small correction. The community didn't evolve to anarchy with the removal of SwearBot, but it made one small step forward.
Posted by Malmir on 2010-11-09 07:38:26
You shouldn't take leader on a double six...
Posted by Nielsh on 2010-11-09 10:32:04
I was sad when the forum thread about Lammer wizards was locked :(
Posted by Cloggy on 2010-11-09 16:09:59
Hmm, criticism like this needs some more foundation than you've provided.
I don't browse the forum all that often, but I can't say I've noticed a trend toward locking more threads, and certainly not a trend toward locking threads that should have remained open.
Posted by PeteW on 2010-11-09 20:12:31
/me waves his shorts of power around
Eat my shorts, paulhicks!!! :P
Perhaps we should create a "Pointless Forum Topics" subfolder, which doesn't flash up on the recent forum topics list. then bored people can seek escapism all they like!
Also, if we (mods) started EDITING posts, we would get way way way more flamed than simply locking them!!!
(Plus I think more people agree than disagree with me on the recent lockage.)
Posted by asharak on 2010-11-09 22:13:12
/me looks at 'Off Topic'
/me thinks about 'Pointless Forum Topics'
Seems pretty close to me ;)
And put your shorts back on Pete!
[though aye, I wasn't upset to see that one close... had been interesting for a while though! Editing also bad in general... can cause so many problems :/]
Posted by Ancre on 2010-11-09 22:45:18
Nice blog post ! But don't be so dismissive to "I rolled a double 6, should I take leader?" topics, they can be a whole lot of fun too. I believe you should, but diving catch is better. Anyways, anything but the other alternative, who needs +stats after all :D
Posted by bobafettsmum on 2010-11-10 13:04:58
Here! Here! Rated 6. Do we have any female mods that can take their pants off and swing them round!!!??? ;)
Posted by Wreckage on 2010-11-10 19:03:50
why was the thread locked? I don't understand... the conversation was considerabily civilized... it's instituionalized crime to forcefully shut people up.
Posted by paulhicks on 2010-11-10 22:36:15
Pete i totally understand where you're comming from about risking more public flaming by editing posts (a couple of other mods have said this too) and the last thing i want to do is cause trouble for any mod.
However if a thread is getting out of hand and you have to edit a post and add in "this post was edited due to breaking the fumbbl rules (link)" please feel free to post again to make your point in a more polite way. Further incidents will result in thread locking and/ or a possible ban" ... (or something like that anyway) im sure the majority of people would be totaly behind that.
Its really not a huge deal (just like my posts against the swearbot wern't) but i felt it would be a good way to go to keep discussion on fumbbl both livley and within the boundaries laid down by yourselves and Christer.
Its just my personal belief that the more reasonable debate and discussion the better. I am still humble enough to know that my opinion isnt necesserily right :D
I should point out to everyone that this post was NOT directed at pete. I started writing it a few months ago and the recent thread that he locked simply reminded me to finish it. Pete is a great admin and despite the fact with have yet to meet in rl one of teh nicest guys i've ever spoken to (hes also the only person luckier than me on the pitch).
Posted by Were_M_Eye on 2010-11-11 00:24:53
@Wreckage. I belive when Silly insinuated that Dominik was the same guy as the pedo was the thing that pushed it over the edge.
I realy liked the dice hack thread and was a bit sad when is was locked. My first reaction was "what a booring adimn", but to be fair PeteW had posted a warning in the thread and the tread was mostly trolling and flaming. So it was a good call by PeteW.
Posted by Macavity on 2010-11-17 04:38:45
Swearbot is gone????? But...... I've been workign so hard on my 'new words' Damn it, Paul!