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Last seen 6 years ago
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2011-09-15 02:33:21
rating 5.4
2011-08-24 14:07:02
rating 5.5


2010-11-09 00:18:12
rating 4.5
2011-08-24 14:07:02
74 votes, rating 5.5
My "fix" for ClawpoMb
Even though i'm not playing here often these days (time constraints and an unhealthy adiction to WoW) i still visit regularly to check the forums and blogs and i've noticed a lot of vocal feeling regarding CRP and particularly ClawPoMb.
There have been people leaving, complaining and even suggestions that Fumbbl will adjust the ruleset/ create a new one.

I'm not sure if these new rules will ever happen but even if they do i'm guessing it will take a while to be sorted out. In the meantime i have an idea:

If you hate ClawPoMb then play ranked. Pick a bit.
It wont be the first time this has happened on Fumbbl. When i joined 7 years ago the vast majority of coaches hated DP and Claw/RSC. A great many people wouldn't accept a game vrs a team that even had a single DP and so to get matches the "killer coaches" had two choices. Sit on gamefinder all day and challenge everybody to maybe get one match (or the Buskopanzian approach as it was known) or earn themselves a reputation for actualy being fun to play and watch. Coaches such as Wuhan and Deathgerbil were so well renowned for being fun whilst they killed your team that people would sometimes be queing up to play them. Within a couple of years the overall attitudes had changed on the site and it was only the 7dp 4 Claw/RSC teams with lamer coaches who struggled to find games.
So theres my plan in a nutshell. ClawPoMb'ers you need to be superfun to play and then people will enjoy the game and even come back again for more (in box less coaches will leave the division so more victims).
Below is my handy hints to help you to have more fun by making sure your opponents have fun.

1) Talk.

Its so damn simple. No-one likes a monosylabic butcher. Being chatty and getting to know your opponents will make them remember you and come back for more.

2) Don't be a whiner.

Never EVER complain about the dice unless they actually crawl out of the screen and eat your pets. Laugh when you fail. Laugh when you die.

3) Don't pretend not to enjoy killing stuff...

Seriously don't say sorry.

4) ... but don't be a dick about it.

Yes you just wiped my team off the field but flexing your E-muscles and mocking me is pretty likely to get my back up. You arn't a warrior. You didn't train in a dojo for 10 years. You just got 31 spp's and took 3 normal skills :D

5) Get your team messed up.

Don't be a picker. If you want to see blood then play plenty of matches vrs other killer coaches. Until you have had BOTH teams cleared off the pitch you havn't known fun.

So that's about it really. If you ClawPoMb'ers want to get more games and maybe avoid having the rules changed on you its up to you. Make Fumbbl love you :D
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Posted by pythrr on 2011-08-24 14:10:56
wise words to play by
Posted by easilyamused on 2011-08-24 14:14:05

This blog = win
Posted by Arktoris on 2011-08-24 14:20:33
worked back then, will work today too.
Posted by Stonetroll on 2011-08-24 14:23:41
Rated 6 for being absolutely right.
Posted by Foad on 2011-08-24 14:26:30
So much win right here....
Posted by freak_in_a_frock on 2011-08-24 14:28:09
I have to agree. My biggest complaint against claw pombers is when they whine when thier own team gets trashed. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.

One final note, I once offered these words of wisdom to another coach,

"Treat everything said in game as a joke, for quite often this is exactly how it is said but the internet is awful at getting context across. And even if it wasn't meant as a joke you will find you have far more fun if you treat it like it was."
Posted by Luohghcra on 2011-08-24 14:37:59
Rated 6 for being the most construc...sorry the FIRST actually constructive post about clawpomb.

Changing the rules is impossible/impractical.

Changing the attitudes of the players is possible, and so damned clever, I wish I'd thought of it myself.
Posted by maysrill on 2011-08-24 14:55:33
Too much Box. No social skills required often means no social skills employed.

Ranked gets you a reputation that affects future game prospects. Plenty of good citizens play Box, but that environment doesn't encourage/reinforce it. Be a fun opponent in Ranked and not only will you get games, you'll get specs, which make games more fun for everyone!

(Paul gets bonus points for being the perfect person to post this, being as he's the epitome of a coach who is a blast to watch destroy your team for lulz and hopes you destroy his too)

(Also, if you need a support group for WoW addition, look me up. I love the WoW lore and game universe, but kicked the habit years ago, after being a 60-hr/wk raid leader)
Posted by Gran on 2011-08-24 15:46:49
Hear, hear!
And what Paul says applies to everyone, not just clpomb'ers. Be a nice opponent, and people will like playing you.

Some coaches' feeling of entitlement - be it to winning or rolling CAS - and their whine when these requirements are not met has been something of a pet peeve of mine ever since I joined this otherwise most excellent site some six years ago. Remember that it is just a game and that it's supposed to be fun - for your opponent as well as for you. As Paul said: you have to laugh.
Posted by Calcium on 2011-08-24 15:46:56
This blog is almost as good as studmans 'maverick' blog!

wise words indeed
Posted by paulhicks on 2011-08-24 15:51:05
you just compaired me to studman?? i'm so breaking your other arm now :D
Posted by Calcium on 2011-08-24 15:58:29

please don't, I'm due back to work on Monday, and I'm really looking forward to it!!!
Posted by DragonsMaw on 2011-08-24 17:08:21

As ever paul, spot on, you nailed it on the head, pick a cliche, I've got more.
Posted by Corvidius on 2011-08-24 18:52:18
I agree with every single word of that. :)
Posted by JigerJones on 2011-08-24 21:33:04
From the man I (twice) sacrificed my dark elves to years ago because I so enjoyed playing him. True words sir, true words.
Posted by legowarrior on 2011-08-24 23:36:20
Naah, nerf it to hell!
Posted by insanitie on 2011-08-25 00:31:40
big thumbs up :)
my solution is clawpomb, toughen up princess
its part of the game learn to deal with it.
the joys of a dice based game, sometimes no matter if its a unskilled lino, or a musclebound killing machine they can kill your sprites.
sprites live , they die its the joys of the game
Posted by ZachariasTheEverliving on 2011-08-25 03:07:27
Good post,

On point 3 though I do hate it when I injure a good player and gunuinly do feel bad...I still cackle behind the screen but there is a twinge of guilt.

Plus it sounds better than going "squish" and possibly upsetting your opponent :-P
Posted by Kinks on 2011-08-25 09:22:34
I practice several martial arts (actually I have trained for more than 10 years in a dojo and yes I am a warrior, well a former soldier, but that is not my point.....)

I find fighting / sparring systems in some martial arts less enjoyable than others. I can still have an enjoyable fight in the ones I enjoy less by fighting an interesting opponent or trying different tactics or techniques. However, in reality I do not enjoy the fundamentals of some of the systems. So what do I do? Seek martial art structures that I enjoy more on a fundamental level.

I don't enjoy the basic structure of CRP, so I'd much rather seek a way to spend my time enjoying myself without having to "try and enjoy myself". (Like you have with WoW)

I love you Paul, but I hate this post.
Posted by spiro on 2011-08-25 17:40:42
hahahaaa, always good to see such pretty blog entry about paulhicks humanity ;D

Sorry man, but you are the biggest fouler ever, you just love foul more than i love get score. it's fun to see how you are writing that people living lrb6 by clawbomb ;D before people lived lrb4 by you and your fouls LOL.

Make fumbbl love you man pffft
Posted by spiro on 2011-08-25 17:41:42

geez ; /
Posted by paulhicks on 2011-08-25 18:30:40
Wait spiro... youve recently told me that i don't exist and not to reply to any comments you make. its kinda hard when your attacking me on my own blog ;P

Also im not entirely sure what your point is. Yes i love to foul. I'm pretty sure i never denied that. In fact if you check again this is a blog about how attitudes to fouling were changed and how clawpomb'ers can also work to change fumbbls attitude towards them. Basically its my simple suggestion to make everyone happier. Both the clawpomb'ers and (more importantly) their opponents.
Now i realise that you've never cared about your opponents happyness at all (rants and whining in game, bitter match reports complaining about luck when beaten) but its a bit much to attack me because i do.

Now since i know you have repeatedly refused to read anything that people post in disagreement with you i'll give you the short version:

Just cuz you're a dick doesn't mean everyone else has to be too.

Have a nice day.

p.s. pfft and geez to you too trollboy :D
Posted by spiro on 2011-08-25 19:05:41
trollboy ? maybe it's your younger brother mister.

Carefuly with words man plus try not to be a hiphocrite.

ps. true. you are not exist because fouling is not longer effective.
Posted by paulhicks on 2011-08-25 19:28:20
sigh... so despite telling me not to message you you really are determined to have a flamewar huh? even though this whole thing was nothing to do with you at all? ok i'll bite.

a) trust me i did choose my words carefully. i had to since your comprehension is so poor. Hence the word "dick" was picked since i had a feeling you'd be familiar with dick :D

b) hypocrite? please feel free to explain how i'm a hypocrite. Or is this going to be like when you accused most coaches on Fumbbl of being trolls then refused to provide evidence?

c) i don't exist because fouling is no longer effective? since you never played me i'll forgive you for not knowing this but my fouling was NEVER effective. As i asked you before, please explain the nature of my nonexistance.

It really is a shame you feel the need to draw attention to yourself this way. if you wanted a pointless flamewar why didn't you just start your own blog or forum post?
Posted by paulhicks on 2011-08-25 19:29:19
woops sorry i forgot:

d) pffffffftt
Posted by spiro on 2011-08-25 20:57:05
it's your flamewar not my, it's your only existence here.

I wroted comment because your complaining about humanity behaviour and not to killing is just ridiculous.
Posted by paulhicks on 2011-08-25 21:09:41
You posted the first attack after i made no referance to you... but its my flamewar?

I chat, play, respond to a variety of forum posts and post what i hope to be helpful blogs (such as this one that you just hijacked for no good reason) but I only exist for flamewars?

As for your second comment how exactly was i complaining? I was proposing a way for both participants in a wide number of matches to have fun. I realise this concept is alien to you but that really is your baggage not mine. I also wasnt trying to persuade anyone to kill either more or less.

You realise these debates would make a lot more sense if you actually read what was written and responded to that instead of just making whatever random accusations you feel like.
If all you want to do is troll and argue please feel free to do as i sugested and start your own blog or forum post. I was trying to be constructive and to be honest im not really in the mood for a pointless, circular bitchfest.

Have a nice day.
Posted by RandomOracle on 2011-08-25 23:05:44
Spiro: Maybe you should try not commenting blogs you clearly don't understand. I don't know if it's your poor English, but once again you've completely missed the point paulhicks was trying to make. If you feel that everyone at FUMBBL is out to get you, it's because you make it very hard for anyone to be at your side.
Posted by Elyoukey on 2011-08-26 13:24:09
"3) Don't pretend not to enjoy killing stuff...
Seriously don't say sorry."

This is so true, i really hate my opponent saying he is sorry. This just demonstrate that he does not think at all.
if you don't want to kill opponent players, don't block them and then you will never feel 'sorry'.

Posted by Lakrillo on 2011-08-26 14:22:33
nerf Paul for being so awesome!
Posted by Tomay on 2011-08-27 11:56:11
Very nice blog post, and you made spiro look like a douche to boot. FUMBBL doesn't seem to be as personable anymore, I think it might have a bit to do with the box division where people are stuck playing you regardless.

Anyway, leagues are where its at!