Posted by Tantibus on 2015-05-25 13:50:54
No King? Failure at life.
Posted by jimimothybodles on 2015-05-25 13:55:50
I figured the king would be head coach... would be pretty useless on the pitch. board.
Posted by Balle2000 on 2015-05-25 17:05:34
1 King 1 8 1 10 Leader, Stand Firm, MB, Thick Skull, Ball & Chain, Check Mate*
*roll a 1d6 at the end of the king's movement if adjacent to a standing opposing player. on a roll of 1 the king is check mate and must leave the field causing a turnover.
I put Leader on King instead. Now Queen is not OP anymore.
Posted by hbgs on 2015-05-26 02:48:05
Pawn: perfect.
Bishop: perfect. Like the SS skill.
Rook: too slow. Same speed as a pawn? No, 6ma suits it much better. SF and GS access both spot on.
Knight: actually a little fast. Plus, no way knights should have S access - guard on normals? Knights can never attack any piece they're adjacent to! My improvement: 5338 leap VLL GA
Queen: I remember st4 and ag4 on the same team without nega-traits being a no-no. Instead, 8538 blockle POMB is better, and drop the M access.
Posted by Wreckage on 2015-05-26 18:36:57
nice... but the Queen should be only allowed to move 3 squares...
Posted by jimimothybodles on 2015-05-26 21:30:45
hbgs, you're quite right. i spent the night researching, and came to similar conclusions...
0-16 pawn 4238 guard G 40k
0-2 bishop 7338 sidestep GA 70k
0-2 knight 5339 leap, vll GA 70k
0-2 rook 6428 stand firm GS 110k
0-1 queen 8339 mighty blow GAS 140k
the original queen is literally a joke, i think this is much more balanced and fluffy. also the costs tie up nicely with the perceived weighted cost each piece has in actual chess...apparently!