“Pumonca, Bastet Thrower
"I thought I'd really screwed the pooch there. First a misthrow, then I fumbled the ball. I must have studied Jing Jing's footage too closely. I was worried we'd lose because of me. But then the perfect pass to Khan, and the touch down, and I was relieved."
Khan, Bastet Catcher
"Man, Pumonca can be such a klutz at times. I think I'm just going to have to catch better to make up for it. Something to look forward to next season. *goes off to join the 'We're Number One' chant with the rest of the girls*"
Ceilican, Bastet Blitzer
"I think the MVP award was mostly out of pity to me, I didnt even really hurt anyone today. Those Pandas can take a real lickin'. Meow! *sticks her tongue out*"
Qualmi, Bastet Linewoman
"Of course we're going to win. This season has been magic for us, and we're not going to lose our witch...I mean touch yet. See you folks at the victory celebration. I the mean time, I need to get laid! *runs off to where the team is leaving for a celebration*"
Simba, Bastet Linewoman
"*sulking* Damnit, I did the least damage. That means the Bloodweiser is on me tonight. Those bitches can drink after the Dwarves of the Hulgar's Hammerhands showed them how." ”
“"This game was awesome! This game was fantastic! I completed two passes! TWO! I'm so happy, so happy. What? What do you mean we lost? I guess we did... Does that mean I shouldn't be so happy?"
--- Jing Jing, Fighting Panda Thrower
"We can't be happy with our performance. We had the luxury of going into this game as healthy and fit as we have ever been and that made us take it easy. Too easy in fact. I got the feeling everyone was hanging back instead of pushing his limits. We needed more Fighting. More Dodging. If we had brought our A-game the victory might have very well been ours. This season is done for us. We'll beat Fighting Vermin and make sure they know we're the best fighting fighters in the league and then it's a new season with two games against Bastet and we are going to win both of them. I guarantee it right here and now. The Fighting Pandas will be playing for the championship next year."
--- Mei Xiang, Fighting Panda Blitzer
"No, I'm not happy. I scored a touchdown, but I'm not happy. I told the coach I wanted to play in our defense for that last Bastet drive as I'm the only one on our team fast enough to keep those amazon runners in check but coach told me I lacked the power and so he opted for Jing Jing as second safety next to Bai Yun. Naturally when Khan broke through no Panda was able to catch up to her. Brilliant foresight there. It's not my intention to criticize our coach, I'm just saying the Great Panda must have shat in his brain when coach made that decision."
--- Po, Fighting Panda Catcher”
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"I thought I'd really screwed the pooch there. First a misthrow, then I fumbled the ball. I must have studied Jing Jing's footage too closely. I was worried we'd lose because of me. But then the perfect pass to Khan, and the touch down, and I was relieved."
Khan, Bastet Catcher
"Man, Pumonca can be such a klutz at times. I think I'm just going to have to catch better to make up for it. Something to look forward to next season. *goes off to join the 'We're Number One' chant with the rest of the girls*"
Ceilican, Bastet Blitzer
"I think the MVP award was mostly out of pity to me, I didnt even really hurt anyone today. Those Pandas can take a real lickin'. Meow! *sticks her tongue out*"
Qualmi, Bastet Linewoman
"Of course we're going to win. This season has been magic for us, and we're not going to lose our witch...I mean touch yet. See you folks at the victory celebration. I the mean time, I need to get laid! *runs off to where the team is leaving for a celebration*"
Simba, Bastet Linewoman
"*sulking* Damnit, I did the least damage. That means the Bloodweiser is on me tonight. Those bitches can drink after the Dwarves of the Hulgar's Hammerhands showed them how." ”